Our Family

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Time to get up....

Yesterday morning, I had to wake the boys up for daycare.  Jackson said "No, no, Mommy.  I don't want to get up yet.  I go back to sleep".  Unfortunately, that wasn't an option.

This morning, I again had to wake them up, but this time Lincoln had a few choice words for me.  He told me he wasn't going to get up, and that he was going to stay in bed all day long.

Both the boys are tired from a fun weekend at Mawmaw and Pawpaws, and they are missing their daddy terribly.  Brian hasn't been feeling well this week, and has had to stay away from the boys so they don't get sick.  I've told the boys that Daddy isn't feeling well, that he needs his rest, and somewhere along the line, I must have said that he had been in bed all day.

Brian has been keeping his germs away from me too - he's been sleeping in the office.  This morning, he was actually up with me and the boys, but observed from a distance.  He did tell me though that he heard Jackson in the night.  He fussed a bit, then Brian heard him say "Clock blue.  I go back to sleep". 

And he must have, because I didn't hear a thing! 

Although I've had to wake the boys every day this week, I'm sure they will be up bright and early on Saturday!

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