Our Family

Friday, June 8, 2012

It's Somebody's Birthday!

Yesterday, the boys daycare celebrated it's 47th anniversary of being in business.  Each year, when the anniversary comes around, they have spirit week, and they celebrate the birthday of their mascot "Good Buddy".  (They have lots of themes at the school about being a Good Buddy to others, etc.) 

We've had crazy hair day, wear your favorite sports team shirt, and backwards day this week.  Yesterday was the actual birthday celebration - they line the driveway with 47 little "Good Buddies" and tie balloons to them.  They do field day activities, and they celebrate with birthday cupcakes. 

When we picked up the boys yesterday, we received certificates indicating they participated in field day, and what their favorite activity was.  Jackson's favorite activity was the bean bag toss, and Lincoln's certificate said "Cupcakes!".  Miss Paula (his teacher) told us how funny he was, as he tried to shove the whole cupcake in his mouth (typical Lincoln) and had crumbs and frosting everywhere.  He makes me so proud.

Once we got the boys in the van, we were asking them about their day and the field activities.  Jackson saw all the "Good Buddies" and balloons, and got so excited.  He kept telling us "It's Somebody's Birthday!  It's Somebody's birthday!"  Brian was cracking up laughing.  Jackson didn't quite understand that they were saying it was Good Buddy's birthday....so he was saying it was Some Buddy's birthday!

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