Our Family

Monday, May 10, 2010

April showers bring May....doctor appointments?

Hi everyone -
It's been a rough few weeks at the Hart household. :-(
Over the past few weeks, we thought the boys were fighting allergies. We were doing the saline drops, but weren't seeing too much improvement. However, with Ohio weather, we figured you just have to take allergies as they come.
However, as the boys cough seemed to worsen, we started the week of UNSCHEDULED doctor appointments. First, Pawpa and I took the boys to see Dr. Korn Monday morning (at the urging of Mawma). The doctor felt the boys just had bad colds, but asked us to watch for fevers, loss of appetite, change in disposition, etc., but basically there wasn't much we could do but wait it out. So, that was our plan until Lincoln woke us up Monday night around 12:45 - very unhappy, and burning up. He had a temperature of 103! I called and spoke to the doctor on call, who advised us to give him Tylenol, and see how he was in the morning. His fever would stay down for about 4 hours - then it was time to give him more medicine. With the "no fever" rule at daycare, I worked from home on Tuesday with the boys...who slept the entire day (other than when they wanted their bottle). Unfortunately, Lincoln's fever persisted, so I stayed home with the boys on Wednesday and Thursday as well. Wednesday, I took Lincoln back to the doctor as he was still running a fever, and just wasn't interested in his bottle. The doctor gave us a prescription of Amoxicillin and indicated that Lincoln likely had bronchitis. Lincoln seems to be doing much better now, so hopefully the anitbiotic is just what he needed.
Jackson Never ran a fever - just continued coughing and was a bit more fussy than usual. He's now fighting some yellow matter in his one eye, but still gives us that million dollar smile, so we hope its just a matter of time till he is over the hump.
Thursday night it all caught up with me.
It started out as a sore throat, and just aches and pains throughout my body. By Friday morning, I was hot and cold, exhausted, and just overall not feeling well. Saturday was a bit worse, so I went to the doctor. Negative for strep, but with my other symptoms, the doctor gave me an antibiotic to help fight off any infection. I'm still pretty miserable today...not much of a voice, but who wants to hear me talk anyway?
We also had some scheduled appointments last week...
Monday afternoon, we took Lincoln to the urologist for a consultation regarding his undescended testicle. The visit was very brief and to the point - it most likely will not come down on its own, and we scheduled Lincoln's surgery for July 27th.
Tuesday and Thursday, Brian was off work to take his mom for tests for her surgery. Overall, the 2 days went well, other than the day that they "didn't have them on the board". Seems like everything is in line for the 26th.
We did have some fun since we last wrote. We took the boys to Kentucky for the first time, and they experienced their first Derby on May 1. It was so nice to see the entire Willinger clan, and to visit and catch up with them. The boys LOVED all the attention that they received!
We were supposed to travel to Toledo this past weekend for Brady's First Communion, but decided against the trip, due to the majority of our little family being under the weather. We heard it was a wonderful day for Brady, and we hope that we can celebrate with him privately soon.
I celebrated my first Mother's Day yesterday. Although the day wasn't quite what I had always dreamed of, it was perfect as I got to spend it with my three favorite boys (runny noses and all). The boys got me some pretty flowers, made me a sweet card, and informed me that another gift is on the way. The gifts aren't important - getting 2 beautiful baby boys is the only gift I ever wanted!
Today it is back to our normal schedule. We took the boys to daycare this morning, and I'm at work (although most everyone keeps asking me why I am here!). Hopefully we are on the mend, and will get back to feeling like our normal selves soon!

Hope you all have a great week, and we'll write more soon.

Kate, Brian, Lincoln and Jackson