Our Family

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Putting our colors to use

The boys received a "Tot Clock" for their birthday back in January.  So far, it's been a great night light in the boys room, and helps Brian and me keep track of what time it is when we are up with the boys during the night. 

Now that the boys know their colors, I'm hoping it will be even more useful!

Earlier this week, I explained to the boys that if they woke up and the clock was blue, they should go back to sleep.  I didn't push it too much as through the week it's not a big deal if the boys get up a little early.  However, I am trying to get them to let US sleep in a bit on the weekends.  5:30 a.m. is too early for a Saturday/Sunday!

I went into the boys room this morning to get them up.  Jackson was awake, laying in his crib smiling at me.  I was selecting clothes for the boys to wear today when I heard Jackson say "Clock is yellow."  I turned and looked at him and asked him what that meant.  He very confidently told me "It's time to get up.  Clock blue - I go back to sleep!"

The good news is, he remembers what I told him.  Now, we just have to see if he understands and actually does it!

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