Our Family

Monday, April 16, 2012

Weekend fun...

This past weekend was just what I needed.

Pat and Barb Brocki stopped in Friday night to visit us on their way back from Nashville.  The evening didn't go quite as I had hoped - we drove up to Lebanon to check out a new (to us) Mexican restaurant, and it was closed due to plumbing issues.  So, we drove most of the way back home to another restaurant.  Despite it being after 7, and it taking forever to order and get our food, the boys did pretty well.  Lincoln was totally digging the salsa, and it was even a bit too spicy for me!

After dinner (and sharing a pitcher of margharitas with Mr. Brocki) we headed back to our house.  We picked up a case of beer on the way , just in case anyone was still thirsty.  Brian thought a 12 pack would be sufficient, but at the end of the night, there were only 7 beers left.  Yes, we stayed up a bit later than we should have, but enjoyed time with our friends whom we don't see often enough.

Saturday morning, I was up with the boys at 6:30 (5 hours of sleep...).  Others started coming downstairs around 8:00.  By that time, I had baked 2 loaves of banana bread, fed the boys poptarts and cereal bars, started 2 loads of laundry, unloaded the dishwasher, and was working on the rest of breakfast - a sausage and hot fruit dish, and a fluffy egg roll.  Pretty productive morning.

We had breakfast and continued our visit with the Brocki's.  Unfortunately, they needed to head home early to catch up on chores.  However, we caught up on our sleep by taking a nap when we put the boys down around 12:30!  It was great!

Saturday afternoon, I went and pulled my laptop out to upload some pictures to share, and Lincoln gave me his puppy dog eyes and said "Uncle Rod?  Puppies?"  I showed them pictures of Uncle Rod's puppies a few weeks ago, and the boys fell in love.  So, I quickly messaged Rod to see if he was available to Skype - and he was!  The boys got to see the actual puppies, and Uncle Rod.  Hope he enjoyed the craziness of our visit!

The rest of the day was a lazy one.  It was raining, and gloomy, so it was Jammie day.  I finally took a shower after I put the boys to bed that night.  After showering, Brian and I even had a quiet night watching a movie together.  It was GREAT!

Sunday morning I had a terrible headache.  I rebounded late in the morning and fed the boys lunch, did some more laundry and dishes, and baked 2 loaves of pumpkin streussel bread.  I also stirred up meatloaf for dinner.  We had green bean casserole with the meatloaf.  Lincoln ate at least 3 helpings of meatloaf, and 2 helpings of green beans!  I'm surprised his belly didn't explode!

All in all, a nice weekend - filled with friends, rest, and good food!  Hope everyone had a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Skyping was GREAT! Thank you for messaging me about it! We need to do it more often. Although, I'm not sure the puppies knew what to think of it!!! ;)
