Our Family

Friday, April 13, 2012

Maybe next time it will go IN...

As a parent, I've learned not to expect things to go perfectly, and to always expect the unexpected.   However, last night, I left my guard down on the second part of that phrase.  Luckily, I'm an easy going mom.

Last night after dinner, Brian decided he needed to mow the lawn.  That meant I was on my own with bath time for the boys.  No big deal - done it before, and we have a pretty good system down.  The boys were being VERY good and listening, and we were all having fun.  We picked out our jammies, got the diapers out for after bath, had the towels and washclothes laid out, and the water warmed up. 

We were all ready to go, so I took Lincoln's diaper off of him, and put him on the potty (we've been doing this for a few weeks now...no results).  I folded up Lincoln's diaper and took it out to put it in the diaper genie.  I came back into the bathroom, and asked Lincoln if he was ready for bath time.  He had a very puzzled look on his face, which I wasn't expecting.  I noticed he was messing with the toilet seat a bit too - also unusual.  Upon closer investigation, he was trying to wipe liquid off the cup protector part of the potty seat. 

That's when it hit me - he had went pee-pee!

Evidently, he was messing around (like usual) and was arching his back, and his little private part got up over the cup protector - just at the moment that he tinkled!  The confused look on his face was realizing the sensation was coming, and then wondering if mommy was going to be upset with him - so he was trying to hide the evidence. 

I was so excited that he went that I didn't even care about the mess.  He had dribbled on his little potty seat, and there was a stream straight out from the toilet on the floor too.  We quickly cleaned it up, and put Lincoln in the bath tub - and made a HUGE deal about how he had pee-peed on the potty! 

However, I had a little sidebar conversation with him that next time...let's aim for in the potty!
And for the record, I put Jackson on the potty...but I didn't leave him unattended!

Happy Friday!

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