Our Family

Friday, October 19, 2012

One track mind...

Last night, was a balancing act.  Brian needed to mow the lawn, so we went home after work and he mowed the lawn while I played with the boys and made dinner.  We all ate dinner together, then got the boys bathed and ready for bed. 

We were running short on milk, so I needed to run to Costco to get some milk.  I asked the boys to give me hugs and kisses goodnight, as daddy was going to put them to bed.  "Are you going shopping Mommy?" one of them asked.  I couldn't lie to them, so I said yes, we need some milk, so I am going shopping.

Then Jackson looked at me and said, "Will you get us some donuts too Mommy?  Thanks".

All this boy thinks about is donuts!  He thinks we should have them everyday. 


  1. I was a mean Mom and I didn't get the donuts. Why you may wonder? See my post about the open house. These kids are eating FOUR meals a day! They don't NEED the donuts.
