Our Family

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Water turns yellow!

Lincoln is really picking up on what it takes to go potty on the big boy potty. 

He loves to sit on the regular toilet seat backwards instead of using the potty seat.  For the past week or so, he will start to go, then gets to laughing when he sees his potty, and the stream stops.  So, we've been working on pushing until it stops because there isn't any more to come out.

The other morning, Lincoln was doing his business, and I could tell he was really concentrating on keeping the stream going.  When he was finished, he yelled, "Mommy!  It stopped!  It's all out!"  I went and helped him off the potty.  When he was standing up, I said to him, "Wow buddy, you went pee-pee a lot.  See, you turned the water yellow!"

He was so excited.  He couldn't wait to get to Chickadees so he could show Miss Monica that he could turn the water yellow!

Yellow being Jackson's favorite color, I'm using it to try to get Jackson going potty in the big boy potty again.  So far, no luck.  Maybe someday!

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