Our Family

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Morning funnies....

Some of you get your laughs from the comics.  Mine just show up randomly in my everyday life.

Take this morning for example....

I put Jackson in his car seat to go to daycare, and Brian put Lincoln in his seat.  Lincoln cooperated and was all strapped in when I was still trying to get Jackson to sit down.  It was a bit chilly, so Brian told me he was going to jump in and warm the van up.  When Brian started the van, it startled Jackson, and he looked at me and said, "Oh no Mommy! Daddy is leaving you!"

I assured Jackson that Daddy wasn't leaving me, and finished buckling Jackson in.  I always get my "goodbye" hug and kiss at this point, as they get the boys out of the van at daycare.  This morning, Jackson  insisted I do the "kissy face" for him before he would give me a kiss.  The "kissy face" is just sucking my cheeks in like a fish kiss, but Jackson thinks it is hilarious right now.  So, I showed him, and got my kiss and hug.

I jump in the van (so that Daddy doesn't leave me), and Lincoln exclaims that he wants the "kissy face" too!  Unfortunately, Daddy had already shut Lincoln's door, and we were running tight on time (as usual), so I did the kissy face for him from the front seat, and we blew kisses.  Sometimes, they are easy to please.

When we got to daycare, no one came out right away to get the boys.  Since I hadn't gotten my "goodbye" kiss from Lincoln, we unbuckled both the boys and Lincoln leaned up and gave me some kisses.  Then all of a sudden, he exclaims, "I need a hug too!"

Finally, Miss Katie came out to get the boys.  We always wait until they are in the building (don't want to run them over) before we leave.  So, I'm watching them walk toward the door, and suddenly see Lincoln step over to the side.  There is a dog statue (I guess that's what you'd call it - it's made out of like wicker/sticks, but looks like a real dog).  Lincoln walked over and petted the dog!  I was completely cracking up laughing!

Mornings like today are what gets me through the hard times....

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