Our Family

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Lincoln goes to church

I've mentioned several times that Brian and I have been going to church separately, as it's too difficult to take the boys right now.  They don't understand how to be quiet or sit still. 

On Sunday after Jackson's surgery, Brian went to church at 9, and I was planning on going at 11.  Lincoln expressed an interest in going to church with me, so I thought we would try it.

He was great!  He was a totally different kid since it was just the 2 of us.  And I enjoyed getting to spend some one on one time with Lincoln, after spending so much time with Jackson.

The first half of church, he was mostly focused on the snacks we had brought with us.  When we were sitting, he was eating, but he was very good about putting them away when it was time to stand up.  However, shortly into the homily, the snacks ran out.  The books came out of the bag next, which was fine, other than he wanted me to read them to him.  It took a few times asking him to quietly read them to himself, but he finally caught on.  He read his books through the homily, then just hung out with me during the eucharistic blessing.

After Communion, he was getting a bit restless.  So many people leave after Communion, and there was more space around us.  He kept crawling up on the pew, standing up, and then jumping off.  So, church ended with me taking him out while he was saying "No Mommy!  I behave!"

Overall though, it was a huge step in the right direction.  Planning to take Lincoln a few more times alone, then we'll attempt a trip with Jackson by himself.  Maybe by Christmas we can all go to church together again?

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