Our Family

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Boys first fair experience

The Williams County Fair opened on Saturday of this past weekend.  Brian couldn't remember ever going to a county fair, and we knew the boys would love seeing the animals, so we decided to head over to the fair on Sunday before coming home.

Overall, it was a great experience for all of us.

We started out walking through the sheep barn, and surprisingly, the boys were a bit apprehensive.  I think they were getting hungry, as it was lunch time.  The cow barn scared Jackson a bit, as the cows weren't in stalls.  He was fine as long as Mommy was holding him.

Outside the cow barn, there was a man brushing and grooming a cow, and the boys stopped to watch what he was doing.  The kind man asked if the boys wanted to pet the cow...Jackson wanted no part of it, but Lincoln stepped right up and said "Yes - pet the cow!".  I handed Lincoln over the fence to the man (a total stranger, but that didn't bother Lincoln), and Lincoln reached over and pet the cow.  I will never forget the smile on his face! 

We decided it was time to find something to eat, so we hit the midway.  The first thing we stubled across was the milkshake booth.  They are just as good as they have ever been, and the boys were much happier with their milkshake in hand.  Jackson even made me giggle when I caught him with a "milkshake mustache".

We continued our walk, and ran into one of my co-workers from years ago.  It had been probably 5 years since I had seen her.  Although it was brief, it was so good to see her, meet her kids and see how much they had grown. 

Next, we were off to find a sausage sandwich.  We ordered 3 sandwiches - one for Brian, one for me, and one for the boys to share.  Well, that didn't go over well - both the boys wanted their own sandwich.  One of the boys snagged Brians, and he had to go and buy another one for himself.  Jackson ate all of his sausage patty, but only about half of the bun.  Lincoln ate his whole bun, and about 3/4 of his sausage patty, so it wasn't money wasted.  These boys are growing up way too fast!

After getting some food in our bellies, we decided to head back over toward the animals to find the rabbits.  We were hoping to hold Alyssa and Zoe's rabbits, but technology failed us in getting everyone together at one place.  The boys however were quite brave - reaching through the cages and petting all the bunnies.  The were squealing so loud that my mom thought they were crying at first, until she saw their little faces all lit up over the excitement.  Next time we are home, we definitely need to make a trip out to Wes' barn to see all the animals!

After the rabbits, we were off walking again to see what other delicious food we could find.  The boys noticed the train and some of the other games, and were infatuated.  However, our time was limited, so we didn't ride any, but will definitely be spending a day at the fair next year! 

To wrap up our trip, we headed to the donut stand.  I got a half dozen for the 4 of us to share, and later wished we'd gotten a full dozen.  I had forgotten how good fresh donuts are!  Plus, I wanted the maple frosting, and somehow got stuck with the chocolate - as Jackson HAD to have a frosted donut!

After our donuts, we headed off to the van for new diapers and milk.  We said our goodbyes to Mawmaw and Pawpaw, and headed for Cincinnati.  The boys were asleep after just a few miles, and it was a quiet ride home.

Definitely a great first fair experience, and we can't wait for next year to head back and see the animals, ride the rides, and of course, indulge in all the fair food!  Plus, it's always nice to see those friendly faces that we haven't seen in a while!

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