Our Family

Friday, May 25, 2012

Very proud mama!

Wednesday night, we took the boys for haircuts.

Haircuts aren't the most fun things for us.  Brian and I usually end up covered in hair as we try to hold the boys down.  It's more like a wrestling match.  Miss Shauna is amazing - she is fast, and works well with moving objects.  She has 4 kids of her own, and she completely understands. 

We tried (like always) to prepare the boys.  They love Miss Shauna - until it comes to getting in that chair.  They seemed excited about getting their hair cut, but when we got there...Lincoln hunkered down in the chair next to where he needed to sit with his sucker, and Jackson kept saying "Lincoln go first".

Somehow, we ended up doing Jackson first.  I sat in the chair with the cape on (trying to avoid being covered in hair), and put Jackson on my lap.  He would sit, stand, jump, turn around - do everything but hold still.  He cried and screamed....loudly - the whole entire time.  The cape came off part way through so I still ended up covered in hair, and exhausted.  I think wrestling a pig in mud would be easier.

I know...right about now, you are wondering why is this titled "Very proud mama", aren't you?

Well, Lincoln was second.  :-)

Brian got him to sit in the chair, and they put the cape on him.  They gave him 2 suckers - one for each hand (on top of the one he ate in the chair during Jackson's hair cut).  He wimpered a bit throughout his haircut, but he stayed right there in his chair, and didn't move.  I was so proud of how he behaved - this was a huge step!  We made a big deal about how Lincoln was being a big boy and being so good sitting in his chair all by himself, but I don't think Jackson caught the drift.

As a reward for being such a good boy, I took Lincoln to see the "fishies and lobsters" again last night.  That's what he wanted when we asked him what treat he would like.  Man...it's so easy to make that little man happy.

So, I am so proud of my little guy for being so good for his haircut.  I hope the next time goes even better!

1 comment:

  1. Could you imagine if we would have behaved like that when Mom and Grandma were cutting our hair? :) Maybe you should learn how to do it yourself. That would be hilarious!
