Our Family

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Things my boys say that crack me up!

Everyday, the boys say something that just cracks me up.  Sometimes it's because I can't believe they remember something, or I have NO IDEA where they came up with it.  Here are a few things I've heard the past few days:
  • Jackson - "Go see Dr. Korn.  Look. At. Ears."
  • Lincoln - "School bus! Go get it Daddy!"
  • Jackson (when we were getting ready to check out at Sam's Club last night) - "Get a pretzel, Mommy?"  - He remembered the day I took him shopping and we got a pretzel and shared it.
  • Lincoln - "I want candy!  I want candy" (in response to going pee-pee in the potty this morning, and I told him we'd find him a treat for being a good boy)
Last night, we picked the boys up from daycare a bit early to get Jackson's ears checked again (thankfully, they are better, so no trip to the specialist for now).  I've really been conscious of trying to engage the boys in conversations - not just asking yes/no questions.  Here is how our conversation went yesterday.

Mommy - What did you boys have for lunch today?
Jackson - carrots.  applesauce.  Sandwhich
(their paper confirmed it was a Ham and Cheese Sandwich)
Mommy - Did you have your afternoon snack before we picked you up?
Jackson - yes Mommy.  We had snack.
Mommy - what did you have?
Jackson - cookies and the pineapples.  No like the pineapples.
Mommy - Does Lincoln like the pineapples?
Lincoln - No.  I no like the pineapples Mommy.

I was totally cracking up listening to them tell me about their lunch and snack.  It is so cute, and so rewarding to hear them actually answering my questions, and adding their own snippets as well.  conversations with 2 year olds are fun!

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