Our Family

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Anniversary dinner

On November 1, Brian and I celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary.

Uncle Aaron and Scott were kind and agreed to watch the boys so that Brian and I could go out and have a special dinner together.  I honestly don't know who was more excited - Brian and me, or the boys!

The boys talked all week about having dinner with Uncle and Scott, and how they were going to watch a movie with them.  They were actually excited, and not in the least bit worried about being away from us.

It was a great night....there were no tears when we left, and Aaron and Scott both said the boys were great for them.  They enjoyed their chicken tetrazzini, the Cars movie, and their special ice cream treat.  Brian and I enjoyed 3 hours out of the house, an AMAZING dinner at Jags, and an adult conversation without interruptions.  It was heaven.

Thanks to Uncle and Scott for spending time with the boys and allowing Brian and I to remember what life used to be like...even it if was for only a few hours.

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