Our Family

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Some firsts to share

This past Friday evening was an interesting night for us.

Unfortunately, everyone in our family has been sick this week...all at different times.  Friday was the first that we were all back to work/daycare.  Of course, mother nature decided to shake things up, and at 4:00, Brian and I were franticly leaving work, rushing to get the boys from daycare, and get home safely before the tornados hit the area.

The weather downtown looked scary....and it was all they were talking about on the radio.  Brian questioned if we should have left work, but I really just wanted to have my babies in my arms.  The weather got better the further north we went, and actually, the sun was out by the time we got home.  We were very lucky that the weather stayed south and east of where we live.  We never even went to the basement. 

After we picked the boys up from daycare, we were trying to keep them quiet so we could listen to the weather on the radio - but they are two.  They didn't understand what was going on - just that it was raining out side, and mommy was all wet from it!  However, from the chatter in the backseat, we heard something new that made Brian and I both chuckle.  We heard "Lincoln Joseph!" come out of Jackson's mouth!  Evidently, we've evened out the full name calling for both boys!  It's been repeated a few more times this weekend, and it still makes us smile.

But we can't have a first for one boy and not the other...so later that night I was talking to my parents to let them know everything here was fine, and I watched Lincoln do a sommersault!  Yes...all by himself.  He put his little hands and his head on the ground, pushed off with his feet, and over he went.  He even stayed pretty straight!  I couldn't believe it.  Of course, he won't do it again for daddy!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

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