Our Family

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Big boy beds

12-29-12 was a very big day for us.  We converted the boys cribs into Toddler beds!

We did Lincoln's bed first, and the boys thought it was so cool that they could crawl in and out of it by themselves.  They decided to both snuggle up in Lincoln's bed while we worked on Jackson's.  Check out these 2 big guys!

We had a brief discussion about their new big boy beds - there is one rule and that is they cannot get out of their big boy beds without mommy or daddy telling them that it is ok.  It worked!  When the boys wake up from their nap, or wake in the morning, they stay in their beds, and call to us through the monitor. 

The best was New Years Day.  Brian and I were up later than usual, so when we heard the boys chattering at 6:40 we were less than eager to get up.  I went down to their room, and directed their attention to their Tot Clock - it was still blue.  We discussed what "blue" on the clock means, and they both happily told me that it meant it was time to go back to sleep.  I asked them to lay back down in their beds and rest until the clock turned yellow - then it would be time to get up.  I hesitantly went back to bed.

We heard the boys continue to chatter in their room, but they never got out of their beds.  They patiently waited until the clock turned yellow (at 8:00), then they called to us again, telling us the clock was yellow and it was time to get up.

I love having the boys in toddler beds!  I can go in and snuggle them up and kiss them goodnight again before I go to bed.  And the boys are so excited to have big boy beds!

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