Our Family

Thursday, March 24, 2011


 I should know by now that I shouldn't talk about things being good, or how the boys are getting over being sick.  But there I went Friday blabbering on about what a great week we had....and jinxed myself.  I was in "weekend mode".  Anxious to wrap up work, and head to Toledo to spend the weekend with family.  We were all packed up - just had to pick the boys up from daycare.  For once, we were prepared.

Then Friday afternoon, God reminded me that HE is in control.
Around 2:30, daycare called "just to let us know" that Lincoln had broken out in hives.  His breathing was fine, and he was still smiling and happy, but he was laying on the floor trying to scratch away. We hadn't tried any new foods, soaps, or detergents.  Since we were heading out of town, we wanted to make sure he was really OK, so we picked the boys up from daycare, and went to see the doctor.  Sure enough, it was an allergic reaction.  We are assuming it is to the antibiotic he was on for his pneumonia....even though it was his 9th day on it.  The doctor indicated we should stop giving him his antibiotic, that his lungs sounded good, and that benedryl would help with the hives.  They also noted in his chart that he is likely allergic to Penicillin - just like his daddy.

Luckily, it was only a small wrench in our plans, so we stopped at home quick to grab the benedryl before hitting the road.
The rest of the weekend was so enjoyable!

Brian went out with friends once we arrived in Toledo.  I got the boys to bed, then enjoyed some uninterrupted gab time with my little sis.

Jackson awoke around 6:00 Saturday morning, but after drinking his milk, he snuggled in and took a nap with me until almost 8:00.  Once Brian and Lincoln got up, as well as Lyn/RJ and kids, we all had some breakfast.  The kids then played while the adults showered and got around for the day.  We made a quick trip to Meijer for last minute supplies for dinner, and grabbed lunch at Schlotszky's. 

Arriving back at Lyn's house around 2:00, mom and dad as well as Rod and Dennis were there waiting to see us.  Rod and Den arrived in Toledo on Tuesday.  Unfortunately, they came to see Den's mom, and say goodby.  She passed away on Wednesday afternoon, but we are so grateful that Rod and Den were able to be with her in her final moments. 

Saturday afternoon and evening were all about relaxing and spending time with family.  Barb and Pat Brocki stopped by to visit, and share their condolences.  We visited with Rod and Den, and Den's brother George joined us for dinner.  Although things get a little chaotic with 4 kids, I think everyone enjoyed spending time with each other, and watching all the kids interact.

Sunday, Rachelle graciously hosted breakfast for the whole clan.  It was more food and conversation, and a wonderful time. 

Sunday afternoon we traveled back to Cincinnati to prepare for the week.

I was hoping our adventures with the boys were coming to a close...but then came the dreadful call from daycare again yesterday afternoon.  First, they reassured me that everything was ok. The boys weren't sick.  However, they wanted to let us know that Lincoln had fallen and hit his head on the corner of the cupboards in his room.  They assured me he was fine - his eyes were dialating, he was smiling and acting like his normal self, but he did acquire a goose-egg and some bruising.  (They were trying to prepare us...)

I shared the "falling incident" with Brian as we drove to pick the boys up, but we were still surprised when we saw our little man.  I guess we were expecting a goose-bump, but it's definitely an egg.  It's probably 2-3" in diameter, and sticks up off his forehead about an inch.  It bruised and swelled pretty quickly, so it should heal quickly too.  We are being extra careful to comb his hair to hide it as much as possible!

We took some pictures to document the occasion, and we'll share those soon!

Please pray for an un-eventful rest of March for Lincoln - he's been through the ringer this year!

Hope everyone has a great week, and we'll blog more later!

Kate, Brian, Lincoln, and Jackson

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