Our Family

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Another first...

Tuesday night we experienced another first with the boys....our first trip to Urgent Care.

Unfortunately, Lincoln's fever came back Tuesday.  It was 102.5 at daycare, and rising.  We weren't comfortable with his breathing, so we headed off to figure out what was wrong with our little man.
We arrived shortly after they opened at 6:00, and the staff was great about checking Lincoln out right away to make sure he wasn't in too much distress.  We didn't wait long till they took us into an exam room, and continued to monitor him.  His sat levels were good, but his breath rate was high, as well as his tempurature.  When they took it at Urgent Care, it was over 104 degrees, and I had given him motrin before we went.  So, they gave him some Tylenol as well to help reduce his fever faster.

The doctor came in, and we reviewed Lincoln's health history...Strep the end of January, stomach virus a week or so after that.   I shared with the doctor that he was diagnosed with pneumonia just over 3 weeks ago, and that a week and a half ago he had his allergic reaction to his medication.  He really has had a tough March.  The doctor listened to his lungs, but thought they sounded good.  We discovered he has a double ear infection, which was causing the extremely high fever.  Because of his pneumonia, they did a chest x-ray to ensure that was really better, and it is.  So, we are back to trying Azithromyacin for the ear infection. 

Brian stayed home with him today.  He rested a lot, but when he was awake, he was back to his normal happy self.  We really want our healthy little man back!  Please pray that we can get him over this spell, and keep him healthy for the upcoming months!

We have more "firsts" to share with everyone, but need to upload the pictures to help tell the story.  Please check back later this week!

Kate, Brian, Lincoln, and Jackson

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