Our Family

Friday, March 18, 2011

A great week...

It's Friday!

We have survived a whole week with both kids in daycare, and Brian and I working in the office.  WHEW!

Everyone told me how fast time would go with the boys, and this week reminded me to slow down and enjoy each minute.

Driving home from daycare one night, Jackson had the hick-ups.  He hasn't had them a LONG time.  It was so cute and funny as he was jabbering away, and all of a sudden "hick-up".  Then, he would go right back to jabbering till the next one.  All the way home.  After a few minutes, I was laughing as it was just adorable.  Brian thought I was crazy....but it reminded me of when I was carrying the boys and it seemed like one of them would get the hick-ups, then the other one - two, sometimes even 3 times a day. 

I was laughing though, as this is a trait that Jackson got from me.  When I get the hick-ups, they are loud, and hard, and they seem to last forever.  Just a sweet little reminder that although he looks like his daddy, he is part me too.

Running away
The weather this week has been a nice treat.  Arriving home another night, we stayed outside for a few minutes to enjoy the warmth and sunshine.  The boys explored the front of the house (Jackson really likes the landscaping lights) and tried to soak in the big, vast space around them.  They are getting so darn independent now that they are walking.  We finally decided to go in the house, but Jackson wasn't finished exploring.  He started running down the driveway!  I was a bit irritated at first as I had my hands full, but after I scooped him up in my arms, the thought crossed my mind that I'd better hold him close, as he'll be driving out of the driveway before we know it. 

More poop
After this week, it's going to be a while until Lincoln outgrows the nickname "Stinkin' Lincoln".
Well, we were close to having a repeat performance of his pooping incident a few nights later.  Lincoln was sitting on Brian's lap reading books while I gave Jackson a bath.  Well, somehow Lincoln's diaper started leaking, so I was called in to take over.  I'm not sure how, but we later found a rogue mini-turd on the steps again!  Maybe it's time to start considering potty training!

Even with our pooping incidents this week, I can still say it was a great week.  I had the opportunity to spend a lot of time with my boys, and even through the challenges, I was able to laugh at myself. 

Hope everyone had a great week!

Kate, Brian, Lincoln, and Jackson

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