Our Family

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Fun things to report....

The tooth count is on again!
  • Jackson's 5th tooth (his left top front tooth) finally popped through early last week (Tuesday, I think).  And his 6th tooth started poking through yesterday (2-28) next to his top left front tooth.  He's trying hard to catch up to Lincoln!
  • Sunday morning on the way to church, I noticed Lincoln had some swelling on his lower teeth, and upon more careful inspection, noticed that he has another tooth.  That makes 7 for him!  It is on his lower left side.  I think a few more are coming, but I'm getting more and more hesitant to put my finger in his mouth as he bites!
My family spent the weekend with us so that we could all celebrate Aaron's 30th birthday (back on 2-21).  We had a great time Friday night eating pizza and hanging out and talking (and drinking).  Finally went to bed at 4:00 (yes, a.m.), so it was a short night when the boys wanted up at 7:00 (no, I don't know what we were thinking).

Saturday we made a big breakfast, Skyped with Rod, then headed to Dave and Busters for some fun.    The afternoon went fast as we drove snowmobiles, race cars, and had an interesting experience with the boys in the photo booth.  :-)  I think next time Brian and I will find a sitter and head to Dave and Busters on our own. 

Saturday night we made Aaron his requested birthday dinner - hamburgers off the grill, potato salad, taco salad, Nutter Butter salad, and fruit pizza.  We were stuffed, and most everyone was asleep by 9:30 (making up for the night before).

Sunday was a trip to church (quite interesting with 4 kids and 6 adults).  Thankfully we had a very understanding man behind us who just laughed at me trying to clean the spit up off of Lincoln, Brian, and the church kneeler and floor.  Fun times.  The nice gentleman has 3 boys, and assured Brian and I that it does get easier.  He also gave us the best quote to consider when things get tough - your life is just a movie - you are the star.  I like that....

After breakfast, we made pancakes, sausage and bacon.  Oh, and Crispy Creme donuts (YUM!).

It was sad to see everyone pack up and head home, but nice to have the quiet of the house return.

The boys and Brian napped during the afternoon, and thankfully still both slept through the night!

Nothing planned for the week ahead other than catching up on shopping, laundry, and preparing for our tax appointment on Saturday. 

Hope everyone has a great week!

Kate, Brian, Lincoln, and Jackson

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