Our Family

Friday, December 21, 2012

Choo Choo Bucky....

With the hustle and bustle of the holidays, the boys have been allowed to watch a bit more TV than usual so that Mommy and Daddy can get things done.  Thankfully, there have been some great Christmas based programs!

We taped a special episode of Mickey Mouse where the professor makes snow that doesn't melt.  Most of the show is about preparations for a party to celebrate the snow, and Mickey and the gang take a choo-choo train and pick up Clarabell, Chip and Dale, and Mr. and Mrs. Clause.  Throughout the episode they sing a song..."We're gonna Choo-Choo Boogey, Choo-Choo all day long!"

A few days after the boys watched this program, Jackson was playing with his train set, just singing away.  Brian asked me if I knew what he was singing.  I listened to him a little closer, and told him it was the Choo-Choo song from Mickey.  Brian listened closer, and agreed that was the song he was singing, and it made sense since he was playing with his train.  But a few minutes later, Brian was laughing.  He pointed out that Jackson was saying "Choo-Choo Bucky...." not Choo-Choo Boogey!  I guess Jackson thought Bucky sounded better....

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