Our Family

Thursday, February 23, 2012

2.5 seconds

Its amazing how fast things can change in just a few seconds time.

Sunday afternoon, the boys were resisting taking a nap.  I went in to try to settle Lincoln down, as often times, if I can get him to go to sleep, then Jackson will settle down and rest as well.  So, as I was rocking Lincoln, I saw Jackson get both his legs up and over the top of his crib.  I yelled at him to get back in his crib, and he did, but I knew it was just a matter of time.

Unfortunately, they didn't settle down, and eventually, we just left them crying in their cribs.  The cries didn't last long, and then we heard the boys door close over the monitor.  That noise could only mean one thing - yes, Jackson had officially figured out how to crawl out of his bed!

We found him standing in the hallway crying...

Later that afternoon, we put him in his bed and asked him to show us how he got out.  In less than 3 seconds, he was on the floor!  Wow.

Now, everytime I hear him make even a peep at night, I'm up checking on him, making sure he didn't get out of his bed.  No issues so far, but I'm not sleeping very soundly these days!

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