Our Family

Sunday, July 10, 2011

What are the boys up to?

First, Jackson is now up to 8 teeth!  Yesterday, he let me put my finger in his mouth and feel around.  Sure enough, his upper left molar is through the skin.  Still waiting on those other bottom teeth though!  I sure hope those come in before his bottom molars!

The boys are talking, talking, talking and learning, learning, learning!

There are several animals that if you ask them, they will tell you what noise each animal makes.  Started out with ducks (as they have 4 rubber ducks in the bathtub), then we added cows, and sheep (they love to sing BaBa Black Sheep).  They now know puppies, chickens, and horses too!  We are trying to get them to "gooble gooble" for a turkey, and snort like a pig...that's a work in progress!

They love to sing songs - so we sing in the van, at dinner time, in the bath tub, and definitely during diaper changes!  Head Shoulders Knees and Toes (as well as the Peek a Boo books) are helping the boys learn the different parts of their bodies.  They really like the Itsy Bitsy Spider and If you're happy and you know it.  If you ask them to sing the sheep song, they just say BaBaBaBaBaBa.  It's totally cute.

I had the best surprise this morning though.  Jackson was up at six as usual, but Brian got up with him.  They played a bit, and Brian got him some milk, but brought Jackson upstairs around 7:00.  He asked me to watch him so he could get a few things done.  So, Jackson crawled in bed and snuggled with me.  He was being really good (usually he crawls all over the bed) and cuddling up with me.  We were talking, and I asked him where his belly was.  Unfortunately, he had a onsie on, so he couldn't find his belly.  Being a silly mommy, I pulled my shirt up a little, and showed him my belly.  He laughed, and tickled my belly a little bit, and I thought that was the end of it....until he bent down and blew raspberries on my belly!  We both laughed, and he kept doing it!  I'll tell you, I can handle being woken up like that anyday!

Jackson has definitely mellowed out, and grown up a lot over the past few weeks.  He's still very stubborn, and doesn't like to sit still, but he's getting there. 

Lincoln is mostly even tempered, and still very patient.  He's a bit taller than Jackson, and starting to learn that he's just as strong.  It could be interesting in the coming months!  But for every fight they have, they usually end up giving each other hugs too!

Long week ahead, but we'll be sure to share any fun facts that we experience!
Hope everyone has a great week.

Kate, Brian, Lincoln and Jackson

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