Our Family

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Weekend Wrap-up

We had a great weekend!
Saturday, we worked on laundry, and a few things around the house in the morning.  We had an early lunch, and put the boys down for a nap around noon.  Jackson went to sleep right away, but Lincoln was stubborn.  First, he cried and screamed for about 10 minutes.  Then decided to make the most of it, and just laid down and chattered on and on.  He woke Jackson up once, but little man went back to sleep pretty quickly.  It was nearly one o'clock before Lincoln finally gave in and went to sleep.  Jackson woke up around 1:15, but Lincoln slept till we woke him up around 2:40.
Once Lincoln was up, we got the boys dressed, packed the diaper bag, and headed out.  We spent the late afternoon/early evening at Coney Island for the TNS picnic.  We hadn't been to Coney Island, and it was quite enchanting.  Dinner was great, as was visiting with Brian's co-workers and their families.
We tried a few rides, but the boys didn't like them too much.  We tried the carousel first.  The boys loved seeing the horses, and sitting on them, but when the ride started, the horses went up and down as well as the whole thing spinning - and neither of the boys liked it!  So, we spent most of the ride holding the boys, and waiting for it to stop.
Next, we went to the super slide.  The boys loved going down the slide last weekend with their cousins, so I thought they would love the super slide.  Jackson was ok with it, but Lincoln tensed up as soon as we started down it, and when we were done, he took off and couldn't get away fast enough!
After the rides weren't a hit, we grabbed ice cream cones and shared them with the boys.  They tasted SO GOOD since it was really hot and muggy out.  The boys enjoyed them too!  We let the boys run around the tent site for a bit while we visited with a few of Brian's co-workers, then loaded them in the van and headed home for baths and bedtime.
Today started earlier than we were expecting.  Lincoln awoke around 3:30, and woke Jackson up.  All four of us were up for almost an hour.  We changed diapers, and got the boys some water to drink, which helped calm them down.  I thought we were going to end up with 2 boys in our bed, but thankfully genious struck.  Since they were both up, I suggested we try our normal "nite-nite" routine.  I told Jackson it was nite-nite time, and asked him to lead Lincoln into their room - HE DID!  And the even more amazing part was that Lincoln followed.  So, we said our nighttime prayer, gave hugs and kisses goodnight, and put the boys in their beds.  We held our breath, but went back to bed, and were pleasantly surprised when we didn't even hear a peep.  IT WORKED!
The boys went back to sleep, but Jackson awoke again around 6:30 (he's usually up around 6).  Brian got up with him, but he only wanted mama.  After 15 minutes of him fussing, the boys came back upstairs.  Jackson crawled in bed with me, snuggled up, and went to sleep until almost 8:00.  When we woke back up, he read books, and played quietly till around 8:30 when Lincoln woke up.
After lunch, we headed up to the outlet mall.  We spent a few hours up there this afternoon, looking at a lot of stuff, but buying little.  After we shared some cookies and Sprite, we came back home to relax.
Now the boys are in bed, and we are just enjoying some quiet before heading to bed to prepare for the week ahead.

Jackson's bottom right molar has popped through the skin.  That makes 9 teeth for him.  No sign of his other two bottom front teeth yet, but I'm sure they will come soon.
Lincoln is still holding at 12 teeth, but I think that will change before too long.  His I-teeth on the bottom look like they are coming in, which probably explains why he was up in the middle of the night last night.  He has also been quite rambunctious lately too.  Hopefully they will come in quickly and we can get our patient, sweet little boy back.

Hope everyone has a great week!  We are still patiently waiting to meet our new nephew!
Kate, Brian, Lincoln, and Jackson

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