Our Family

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Monday Monday...

Monday night was exciting in the Hart household.

We had given both the boys a bath, and I was reading a book to Jackson in the rocking chair in our bedroom.  For some reason, Brian was heading back into the bathroom, and Lincoln ran after him.  Unfortunately, he lost his balance, and fell into the door jam.

At first I didn't realize he hit the door jam - just thought he hit the floor, but then Brian said something about blood. I put Jackson down and went to scoop up Lincoln.  He was bleeding pretty bad, so I just held him, and asked Brian to get me a cold wet washcloth.  Lincoln fought me a bit, but I had to put pressure on his mouth to try to stop the bleeding.  It worked for a while, but he had a pretty bad gash on the inside of his bottom lip.  Brian went and got some ice cubes, and we let Lincoln just suck on an ice cube - strategically placed over the cut.  :-)

Unfortunately though, he also had a cut on the outside, just under his lip.  The more I tried to touch it, the more upset Lincoln got.  We ended up giving Lincoln his bedtime milk to help calm him down, and he let me hold a wet paper towel on the cut on the outside to stop the bleeding.

We were pretty worried about how hard he hit, so I didn't want to give him any pain medication initially, so I held him until he went to sleep.  He woke up about an hour later, and seemed fine, so we gave him some motrin then.  However, we had him sleep in the Pack and Play in our room for the night so that we could keep a closer eye on him.

We were able to get the blood out of his clothes, and mine.  There was a little drop of blood on the carpet, but I think Brian was able to take care of that.  It really is amazing how much blood can come out of a lip!

Little guy has looked pretty rough the past few days, but its actually healing nicely.  Brian has been applying Neosporin to the rug burn (door jam burn) so hopefully he won't have a scar!

That's the third busted lip in the past 3 weeks. Can we catch a break now?

First, Jackson pulled the highchair over on himself at mom and dad's Relay weekend and busted up his top lip.  Then, Lincoln fell (well, Jackson accidentally tripped him) on the way into daycare a few days later, and he tore up his bottom lip.  Guess we better keep a close eye on Jackson - it's his turn!

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