Our Family

Thursday, July 21, 2011

So Blessed...

Today was my 37th birthday.

My day started out with Jackson getting up early - he just couldn't wait to wish me a happy birthday.  Brian and Lincoln also sang to me and made me feel very special.

Next, the texts and emails started -  from friends, co-workers, and family.

I went out to lunch with friends from work to celebrate my special day.

On the way home from daycare, I called and talked to Lylah.  She sang happy birthday to me, and asked me all about my birthday plans.  She also told me about her day with cousins Peyten and Brady, and how she is still waiting for her new baby brother to arrive.  Lyn returns to the doctor tomorrow to determine next steps.  No baby on my birthday, but that's ok - he needs his own special day.

Dad called as we were preparing dinner.  He wanted to let me know he was thinking of me today (and to call me an old battle ax - that's my dad!).  I talked to mom for a few minutes as well, even though we traded emails throughout the day.  After I wrapped up that phone conversation, Aunt Shirley called with her birthday wishes, and to check in and see how the boys are doing.

For dinner, we grilled steaks, had sweet potatoe casserole and sauteed zucchini and onions.  A perfect meal for a perfect day.  Aaron made me my favorite cake - pineapple upside down cake - for dessert.

After visiting with Aaron, my brother Rod called, and I just finished catching up with him.

Some people dread birthdays and growing older.  But for me, my birthday is such a great reminder of how blessed I am to have so many wonderful people in my life who love and care for me.

Thank you to everyone for their birthday wishes, and for remembering me today.  You all hold a very special place in my heart.


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