Our Family

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Tired boys....

In the past week, each of the boys have fallen asleep in some odd places.
First, at lunch last weekend Lincoln did a repeat performance of Christmas dinner....

Then, Jackson awoke early on Sunday, but decided to go back to sleep for a while with Daddy after he drank some milk....

Later that same day, Jackson fell asleep on our walk around the neighborhood...

When we take our walks, Brian usually pulls the wagon with the boys in it, and I follow behind (mostly in case they throw a hat or a sippy cup out).  However, on this night, it was quite entertaining for me.  I watched as both of the boys heads started to hang low, droop, then snap back up.  The wagon is comfortable to ride in, but definitely not made for sleeping.  Somehow, both the boys did fall asleep.  Some neighbors had seen them early during our walk when they were both awake, then crossed our path again when they were both sleeping.  They were laughing!
Lincoln woke up before we got back to the house, but Jackson slept for about half of our 2 mile walk.

Today though, Lincoln took a short nap in the van after we ran some errands, but didn't sleep enough.  After he got his belly full at dinner, his eyes got pretty heavy again.

They are definitely related to their cousin Knox!  He can sleep ANYWHERE!

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