Our Family

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Pictures capture a moment in time, but they don't always tell the whole story.  I'd like to share the story behind a few of our pictures in the past few weeks.

My three boys....
First up is this picture, that innocently looks like a picture of Brian and his boys playing and snuggling on the floor.  However, there is more to the story.
Jackson has always been more of a "Mama's boy".  On this particular evening, the boys were ready for bed, and Jackson was sitting on my lap.  He fussed and wanted down, so I put him on the floor.  He crawled over to Brian, and curled up next to him.  Brian was so happy and proud, and is finally believing that Jackson loves him too!

Next, we have Lincoln....

Over the past few weeks, we've shared our relief and joy over how easily Jackson goes down at bedtime.  The flip side of the coin is that Lincoln is VERY difficult to put to bed at night.  We have to make sure he is fast asleep before we even try to put him in his crib, otherwise, he wakes up, cries, and wakes Jackson up too.
So, we've been doing the best we can - which mostly means we let Lincoln crawl and play until he looks sleepy, then we hold him till he's asleep, and put him to bed.  However, one night, he was playing , then suddenly got quiet.  This is how we found him!  Fast asleep, laying on the floor.  Unbelievable.  If we put him in his nice, comfortable bed, he won't sleep, but on the hard floor - magic!  This has happened a few times now, and seems to be the best way to get him to bed.  Again, we are doing the best we can...

What's cooking?
I've asked my mom if any of us kids ever bothered her stove drawer, and she said no.  Then, I asked my sisters...none of their kids have ever even noticed their stove drawer.  So, what does this say about my kids? 
The boys have been infatuated with my stove drawer for some time.  It was always fun to see what they tried to hide in it from time to time.  We knew it would happen eventually, and sure enough...Jackson decided to crawl into the drawer (thank goodness it wasn't on!).  Getting in wasn't a problem - as he got into it on the side.  However, when he tried to get out over the front of the drawer, it was a bit challenging.  Don't worry - we caught him before he knocked his head (we paid good money for that beautiful, round noggin), but we got a pretty good laugh before we helped him out!

We hope you enjoy these moments as much as we did!

Kate, Brian, Lincoln, and Jackson

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