Our Family

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Bottle Free....since Sunday

I've fallen behind on posting regarding the boys development.  It's catch up time!

A few weeks back we started working on transitioning the boys off their bottles.  Eliminating bottles during the day went well, and since then, the boys have only gotten a bottle before they go to bed.  Since Sunday though, they've been taking their milk at night in a sippy cup as well.  So happy to be packing up the rest of the bottles. 

We've been trying to teach the boys to say hi and wave.  Lincoln is starting to catch on.  He waves, and makes a noise - it doesn't sound exactly like Hi, but he's trying.  It's very cute, but we still have some work to do!

The boys are using their hands and arms more to try to communicate.  Both of them hold their hands up over their heads when they want picked up, or want out of their high chairs.  It is much better than just sitting their crying, leaving us guessing what they want.

Lincoln is really close to walking. He walks along the wall mostly, but just patting the wall with his one hand. We've seen him take 3-4 steps in between things. He just needs a bit more confidence and he'll be fully mobile.

Jackson has been walking for a few weeks, but when he would fall down, he would crawl to a wall or piece of furniture to pull himself back up.  However, the night before his birthday, he just popped back up in the middle of the room!  He really doesn't crawl much at all now, only when he's really tired. 

I'm sure the boys will be learning more, and developing new skills really soon, and we'll be sure to share their accomplishments with everyone as quickly as we can!

Have a great week!
Kate, Brian, Lincoln and Jackson

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