Our Family

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A walk on the bright side...

Our family has struggled over the past few months.  Things are starting to look a little brighter, even as the days get shorter.  It is very likely that my mom is going home tomorrow!  We are all so excited.  She can't wait to get home.  We hope that she can recover comfortably over the next few weeks, and that the tough part is over.

Tonight, I was reflecting on the simple, yet amazing things the boys are doing these days.  Last week, they learned to say "Love you" - not everyone would understand what they are saying, but I always know!  We've been teaching them how to say I love you in sign language too!

Yes, sign language.  They know how to sign several words: more, please, thank you, uncle, dog, toothbrush, bird, cracker...there are more that they have learned at daycare, and we will figure them out eventually.  It really does help to communicate with the little guys! 

They are learning more and more words all the time too.  They are both saying "Lincoln" (or Linky) now.  They ask for snacks (instead of just grunting), and they are singing songs too.  Row row row your boat, Ba Ba Black Sheep are the favorites, but tonight Jackson was doing a really good job singing "I'm a little teapot"! 

I know that my boys aren't doing anything new or different than what other peoples kids do, but I'm still amazed at how those helpless little babies have grown into smart little boys.  I am a very lucky mommy!

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