Our Family

Thursday, October 27, 2011


Today the boys turned 21 months.  Yes, in just 3 short months, they will be TWO!

Daycare has told us that the boys would likely move to the next room when they are around 2, so imagine our surprise today when we picked them up, and they told us that they had the boys visiting the Toddler room!  Wait...don't push them to grow up too fast! 

Jackson spent most of the afternoon in the Toddler room.  They said he did fine (which doesn't surprise me).  He probably took toys from the bigger kids, and just kept on keeping on - that's what Jackson does.  He's still a very independent little man.

Lincoln however was having no part of it, and they ended up taking him back to the large tot room.  Lincoln had a lot of difficulty when he moved from the small tot to the large tot room, so again, not too surprising.  But, last time they tried to move him without his brother - this time they took both of them over.  Still, Lincoln is a little resiliant to change (kind of like his dad).  The ladies at daycare said Lincoln settled down being back in the large tot room, but he was very sad - they could tell he was missing his brother!

Guess this momma is going to have to get used to her little boys growing up.  I'm very excited to see them continuing to develop and learn new things, but sometimes, I just want my babies back so I can hold them.  I'm afraid my snuggle days with the boys will draw to a close all too soon!

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