Our Family

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Heart melting moments

Over the past several days, we've experienced some pretty heart warming moments. 

Last Wednesday when we picked the boys up from school, we were listening to the news.  Everything was about the exotic animals that were released in Zanesville.  We hadn't went over animal noises with the boys for a while, so we started in:  what does a lion say, what does a tiger say.  Well, those pretty much make the same noise, and the boys know that.  Then, I asked what a bear says - evidently, they haven't learned that one at daycare yet.  I didn't want to completely confuse them and tell them a bear says the same thing as a lion and a tiger, so without thinking, I just said "Hey - Boo Boo!" (remember Yogi Bear?)  The next thing I knew, each of the boys were doing their own "Hey-Boo Boo!" in the back seat...and laughing.  It was definitely a priceless moment!

Later that night, as we were heading to bed, the boys started to cry and fuss a bit.  Brian had been sleeping for a while as he wasn't feeling very well, so I went to take care of the boys.  I scooped them both out of their beds and sat in the glider rocker.  Jackson doesn't like sharing his mommy, so he quickly pushed Lincoln off my lap.  Poor little man just leaned on my leg fussing a bit, but laid his head on my knee and kept snuggling.  Jackson settled down, so I put him back into his bed, and scooped Lincoln up.  He snuggled up on my chest, and laid his little head in the crook of my neck.  As we snuggled under his blanket, he slowly went back to sleep, and I realized that although he is bigger, talks, walks, eats solid foods nows, etc. one thing hasn't changed - he still needs his mommy.  Love that little man.

Don't worry - I love Jackson too!  He surprised me Thursday morning.  Usually, we have to wake the boys up in the morning to get them ready for school.  Thursday was no different, in that regard.  I headed into the boys room to pick out their clothes, and I heard Jackson start rustling in his bed.  Typically, he would stand up, and fuss until I pick him up out of his bed.  Well Thursday morning, he rolled over, saw me in his room, and gave out the happiest little squeal in the world!  He was so excited to see me!  It was very sweet, and melted my heart.

Thursday night when we put the boys to bed, I told them goodnight, and then told them I love them as I do every night.  Well, Thursday night, they both told me "Love you" in return!  It was a very happy night for us!

I have other moments to share...like our trip to the pumpkin patch, and our family nap on the couch today, but those will have to wait till another day!

Hope everyone has a great week!

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