Our Family

Sunday, August 7, 2011

More news on the boys....

Today was a big transitional day for us.  We've been having issues with Jackson standing up in his highchair for a while, but this weekend, he pushed Brian's buttons a bit too much.  So, I thought we would try the booster seats.  We have used them when we go places, and always strap the boys in.  When they are strapped in, Jackson can't stand up.  So, we set up the boosters, and put the boys in them for lunch.  They both did really good sitting up at the table like big boys!  Dinner was great too - the boys are used to sitting beside each other in their high chairs, but at the table, they sit across from each other.  At dinner, they were talking back and forth and laughing.  It was really fun to watch.
Since they did so well today, we are planning to clean the high chairs up and put them away!  It's a great transition, but another reminder of just how fast our little guys are growing up.

I keep saying how they are talking more and more.  We figured out this weekend that they know what a butterfly is - they hold their hands up and flutter them like a butterfly!  If you ask them what a birdie says, they say "tweet tweet tweet". 

Other words that are quickly becoming part of our everyday life:  shoe, hat, cracker, ball, bee, no (this is more Jackson than Lincoln), nose, ear, mouth, toes, head....again, I'm sure I'm forgetting some!

Hope everyone has a great week!

Kate, Brian, Lincoln, and Jackson

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