Our Family

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

There is nothing quite like it...

Hi everyone -
I keep mentioning how the boys are eating more and more of our  my food all the time.
So when we all sat down to dinner last night (boys in high chairs, Brian and I at the kitchen table), I had to pause for a second...we are a family.  We were all sitting down to have dinner together and interacting with each other. 
I remember as a kid it was always a big deal when we all sat down to have a meal together.  With 5 kids, schedules were very busy, and finding a time to have dinner with everyone was a challenge.   I do recall various comments about how quiet it was some nights when one or two of us weren't at the table, but I also recall mom commenting on how loud it was or how interesting the conversation was when we were all there. 
As a mom now, I understand why it is important to sit down and have a meal together as a family.  It is about spending time together - sharing what happened during your day, laughing, and just enjoying your own little piece of life.  I am pretty sure this will be easy over the next few years, but when the boys get older, and more involved in other activities, we are going to need to make time to have dinner with everyone together at least once a week.

Some of you might ask why I'm being so sentimental?

Because there is nothing like sharing your steak, peas, mashed potatoes, and biscuits with your children...even if they are eating off your plate, and only 9 months old.

Have a great Wednesday!

Kate, Brian, Lincoln, and Jackson

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