Our Family

Thursday, May 9, 2013

My mom taught me well

A few weeks ago, I wrote about how the boys are sparking more memories about Brian's childhood.  Well, they bring out memories for me too.  It's amazing how 30 years can change a person's perspective!

I was putting the boys to bed one night when a memory hit me.  I was rocking Lincoln for his 2 minutes, then I was going to rock Jackson.  Just going through our normal nighttime routine.  That night, Jackson wasn't very patient, so he started asking me questions while I rocked Lincoln.

At first I ignored him as I was trying to enjoy my time with Lincoln.  But then, Jackson kept asking me the same question over and over and over.  So, then I ignored him out of principle.

That was when it hit me.  I remember my mom sitting and reading her books when I was a kid.  We never learned to say "Excuse me Mom, can I ask you a question?".  No - we just started asking, and we would keep asking over and over again thinking that would make her answer us.  I used to get so mad at her....why couldn't she just answer my question?

Now I understand that she needed her own time.  She needed to decompress from the day, and take just a few minutes to do something she enjoyed without having to deal with us kids.

Now, whenever I'm busy doing something and one of the boys starts in with questions, I ignore them....just like my mom did so many years ago.  When I'm finished with my task, I will turn my attention to them and address their question - but on my terms.  They need to learn to respect other peoples private time, and to patiently wait for my attention.

And someday, they will laugh when they do the same to their own kids!

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