Our Family

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A Thankful long week...

Throughout the month of November, we all have reflected on what we are thankful for in our lives.  For me, family is always at the core of what I am most thankful for.
So, it was only fitting that we spent the week of Thanksgiving preparing to spend precious time together.

The weekend before the holiday was challenging, as Brian and I have been fighting bronchitis and sinus infections for over a week.  The boys have been a bit fussy as well, and not sleeping well.  Despite all of that, we were able to prepare for our visitors, and weren't too exhausted once they arrived!
The Muehlfeld clan arrived on Wednesday - Lyn, RJ, Lylah, and Knox along with Uncle Aaron were here for dinner.  Mom and Dad arrived later - stressed out from the drive.  Unfortunately, the weather wasn't exactly what we were hoping for.  But, everyone arrived safely, and we enjoyed an evening of catching up and enjoying some cold beverages. 
Thursday lunch was fabulous as usual.  The turkey was perfect, as was the stuffing (thanks mom!).  The green bean casserole, sweet potatoes, salad and rolls were great accompaniments.  Pumpkin pie, pecan pie, and Grandma Wappes' cheesecake were the perfect toppers.  Although it was challenging with the extra additions since last year, we were all able to gather around the table and share our meal.  Lincoln napped a bit later than expected, but he made it up for dessert!  It was a very joyous celebration!
The Willinger's left shortly after lunch to head to Louisville to continue the Thanksgiving celebration.  We relaxed and enjoyed the rest of the day, catching up on some sleep, and chasing the boys.  Friday was a busy day canning chicken, freezer shopping, and just spending time together. 
Saturday we hosted the celebration for the OSU/UM game.  Nothing major, just our family, then Dick and Brenda Willnger stopped along with Grandma Kathy.  It was nice to spend time with our extended family.  All in all, a great day.
Sunday started with church at 9:00, then a whirlwind of a breakfast at Bob Evans.  Why a whirlwind?  well, with 2 hungry little boys, it flys by very quickly.  I couldn't cut the potatoes, sausage, and pancakes fast enough for them!  Even some of the other guests were laughing at how much and how quickly the boys ate.  They were covered in syrup and pancakes from head to toe, and I think their bellies were filled to the brim, but they enjoyed every bite!
After breakfast, it was time to watch as family packed up, said goodbye, and headed home.  It's always a little sad after they leave.  The house returns to it's previous quiet, the rooms are all empty, and the laundry is waiting. 
We made the most out of the day though.  The boys took a nap with their full bellies, and Brian and I began working on the Christmas tree.  We almost had the branches up when the boys awoke.  We brought the exersaucers into the front room so that we could keep them contained, yet finish decorating the tree.  The boys were pretty patient, with the assistance of some baby gold fish (Thanks Great-Aunt Marie!). 
The end result - the tree is up, the stockings are hung, and the laundry is partially caught up. 
So now, it is time to start preparing for the week ahead.  Much to do to prepare for celebrating Christmas in 2 weeks with my family.  Shopping, wrapping, Christmas cards, birthday invitations....we'll be taking advantage of every second we can get!

Hope everyone has a great week, and remember the real reason for the season!

Kate, Brian, Lincoln and Jackson

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