Our Family

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Another long week?

Well, I hope yesterday isn't an indicator for how our week is going to be!

We started out the day with Jackson's helmet appointment.  We got some great news - his growth is slowing, and he is still in that acceptable range!  This means we can begin weaning Jackson out of his helmet.  Over the next two weeks, he only needs to wear his helmet for naps, bedtime, and car rides over 1 hour long.  Then, starting the week of Thanksgiving - we will be helmet free!  Brian and I are so excited!  It will be like introducing our handsome little man to everyone all over again!  We have one follow-up appointment on Monday after Thanksgiving just to ensure everything is going well.

Unfortunately, our good day ended there.

Jackson had awoken with a bit of a bloodshot eye, but we thought it was just that his cold was getting worse.  However, daycare called around 1:30 - as the redness, and matter was now in both eyes.  So, off to the doctor we went.  He has pink eye.  We have drops to put in both eyes three times a day (which is quite challenging with a 9 month old).  We are also being very cautious to wash our hands, clean the towels frequently, and keep Lincoln away from him.  Wish us luck!

The bright side - he is still our happy, smiley boy.  Well, at least while the sun is shining.  :-)  Oh...and hungry!
  1. When we picked the boys up from daycare, Miss Jen was sharing with us how bad Jackson's eyes looked, but commented how otherwise, he was quite himself.  Then, she commented on what the boys ate for lunch - pancakes!  She was amazed yet again by how much the boys eat.  She showed us that a pancake is roughly 4 inches in diameter, then proceeded to tell us that Jackson ate 3 of them, and Lincoln ate 4 - as well as 2 turkey sausage links!  And they each polished off their bottle on top of that!
  2.  Last night for dinner, each of the boys ate 1/2 a Grands biscuit with sausage gravy, some broccoli and cheese, and half a banana for dinner.  Then, Jackson had 10 oz of formula (vs. 6 usually) before he went to bed.  Even with all that, he was back up at 6 a.m. for another 6 oz of formula. 
We have a lot to do this week, so hopefully Jackson will be feeling better soon, and Lincoln will avoid catching the pink eye.  Please say some prayers for us that we get everything done, and get everyone healthy for celebrating Knox's first birthday this weekend!  (We'd hate to give Knox pink eye for his birthday...you don't want to be remembered for THAT kind of gift!)

Love to you all,
Kate, Brian, Lincoln, and Jackson

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