Our Family

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

What a beautiful day!

Wow, today was one of those days where everything was either going terribly wrong, or wonderful.
However, at the end of the day, the high points of the day outweigh the low points. 

  • After nearly 4 months, Grandma Hart went home today!  She was checked out of the Drake Center before 1:00.  We definitely had our moments over the past few months wondering if this day would ever come.  We are thankful the surgery was a success, and she was able to overcome her breathing obstacles.  She still has a bit of work with regaining her strength, and learning what and how much of things to eat, but that will all come in due time.  
  • Mawma was released from the hospital.  She had a bit of a setback after leaving, and had to return to the ER and have a catheter reinserted, but she is now home, and resting .  The catheter will be removed again on Friday, and hopefully her bladder will be healed and working appropriately.
  • Jackson had a wonderful therapy session!  Since Grandma Hart was released so early today, Brian was able to go to therapy with us.  Hopefully, he'll have more time at home now, and can become more involved in JT's therapy.  We need to continue stretching his muscle in his neck, but we are getting close to being ready to switch our focus from stretching to strengthening.  Yeah!
  • Jackson surprised his therapist a bit today....as he took 5 really good "steps" crawling today!  I guess we can officially say he is crawling (althought somewhat unconventionally at times), as when he raced Lincoln last night across the kitchen floor, Jackson definitely was quicker!
The low down...
It's just been a frustrating few days with TWO teething little boys. (Sigh)
  • They want to be held constantly, which is getting more challenging the bigger and more mobile they get.
  • Spit ups have become more common for both of them.
  • Bedtime is just chaos.  They are so tired, but fight going to sleep.
  • Jackson is going through a phase where he swats his bottle away and doesn't want to drink it - this usually happens when he is tired, and he knows that if he drinks his bottle, he will relax and go to sleep.

So, althought I'm exhausted, and the house looks like a tornado hit it, I'm very thankful for the blessings that God bestowed on us today...even the cranky little guys who now look like perfect angels sleeping in their bed.    Maybe God will grant us just one more miracle for today and they will both sleep till 5:30?  OK...I'm just being greedy.  Guess I'll retire, recharge my battery, and prepare to tackle tomorrow.  Besides, the weekend is right around the corner!
God Bless you all.
Kate, Brian, Lincoln and Jackson

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