Our Family

Thursday, January 7, 2010

What did the doctor say this week?

Today, I am 35 weeks and 2 days into my pregnancy!
We had our weekly appointment today, and the doctor told us exactly what we wanted to hear (well, some of what she said was what we wanted to hear, and some of it was actually kind of mean when I think back on it).
First, they did my strep test today, so we'll need to wait to find out the results of that. Nothing major if it comes back positive - just need to take a bunch of antibiotics before delivery.
Next, she said - wow, you are big! (This is the part that looking back was kind of mean) However, considering I am ALL belly with these babies, she is right. My belly has gotten quite big. She measured my belly, and we checked for the heartbeats.
Doctor asked about movement...I'm still feeling these little boogers moving everywhere, so that's a good thing.
Lastly, she checked my cervix, and the babies are still very high (they haven't dropped) and my cervix is still closed...so then she said these babies may stay in there till they are adults! We were really hoping they would tell us that these babies weren't coming any time soon, so this made us very happy.
Right now, the 27th is looking like the day. 20 more days...and that's really what we want. Hopefully Maw-ma will be fully recovered and able to come and meet our little wonders on the 27th. Plus, the doctor said today that judging by the size of my belly, we have good sized babies. She's very confident that both babies will be able to stay in the room with Brian and me after delivery, and will not have to go to the NICU. This also means that we'll all get to come home as a family. This is all that we have prayed for over the last 35 weeks!
So, our next appointment is Friday January 15th. We'll have an ultrasound to check the growth of the babies, and see the doctor. Hopefully, we hear what we heard today again, and we'll continue waiting to welcome our little ones on the 27th.
Please pray that these babies don't decide to come before the 27th, and please pray for my mom's recovery so that she is able to be here with us soon after the babies arrive.

Thank you all for your love and support over the past 8 months!
Kate, Brian, and the babies

1 comment:

  1. Brian,
    Take a picture of Kate, side view, so we the people that aren't close by, can see how big her belly is! Also, she can tell the twins when they are older,"See, this is what you did to me when I carried you."
    Love ya,
    Aunt Pam
