Our Family

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Cruising at the start of week 35 - who would have thought?

Hi everyone -
Yes, we have successfully completed week 34 and are cruising at the begining of week 35! Well, cruising may be a bit of an embellishment, as the extra weight is taking its toll on my hips, and making it harder to get around, but we are surviving!
Months ago we set a goal to make it through the holidays. Some had their reservations (mom), but here we are...on the verge of the new year, and everything is still going very well for a multiple pregnancy!
Brian talked at the beginning about how cool it would be to have one baby just before midnight on NYE, and the other just after midnight...that way they'd have their own birthdays, and even be born in different years (and decades)! However, now I think he is really hoping that we make it as far along as possible to ensure that we have 2 healthy babies that we can bring home once they arrive. So, after we make it to Friday morning, then we strive to make it to January 12th (the end of my 36 weeks), then after that, our target will be January 27th!
Since the new year is upon us, it is only fitting to reflect on 2009, and for us, specifically the past 34 weeks. I realized today that so much has changed, and these babies haven't even arrived yet! So many people have told us that "things will never be the same" - usually in the context of not sleeping, chaos, and learning to be completely unselfish. However, I see how many things have changed already - in a very good way.
For example...Brian. 36 weeks ago if someone would have asked me what my biggest concern was with having a baby, I probably would have told them...
  1. Brian would panic at the first sign of a contraction and want to rush to the hospital. However, our childbirth classes were very beneficial in educating Brian that this is a process - and these babies aren't coming after the first contraction. Now, I'm concerned that he'll want to watch the end of the football game/tv show/whatever and put off going to the hospital for as long as possible.
  2. Brian would probably be on a gurny in the delivery room next to me, as he would faint at the first sign of blood/fluid, etc. However, again, the childbirth classes were pretty graphic, and he survived them. Now, he is disappointed that he won't be able to cut the umbilical cord because we'll have to do a C-section.
  3. Brian would not change a single diaper. But now, he has changed 1 1/2 diapers of Lylah's, and he watched as I changed one of Knox's diapers. He's pretty sure that if it's his own kid, he can do it! (I'm really hoping he can, cause otherwise, I'll be doing nothing BUT changing diapers for the next few months!)

In all seriousness, 34 weeks ago I was fairly certain that Brian would be an amazing dad. Now, I KNOW without a doubt that he will be. He is already concerned with their safety (and mine), and he loves us all so much. He can't hide his excitement when we go through the baby clothes, or try to figure out the toys that we have for the babies already. He beems with pride when he talks to the babies (wishing them a good morning or telling them goodnight, which are always combined with hugs for all of us). And the look of amazement on his face when he puts his hand on my belly and gets to feel one of them roll over or struggle with the hickups - it's priceless.

We still have much to do to prepare for the babies, but someone told us along the way that as long as you have two arms to wrap your baby in, they really don't need much else. And we definitely have a lot of love to give these two little babies!

So, we ask for your prayers that our journey continues for a few more weeks, and remain uneventful and healthy. Thank you all for your love and support during this time.


Kate, Brian, and the babies

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