Our Family

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

32 week update - from last Thursday 12/17

Hi everyone -
We had our 32 week ultrasound last Thursday - time just continues to fly!
The babies and I are all doing great still. It's a little hard to make things out on the ultrasound now as the babies are getting bigger and they are running out of room. However, everything still looks good, and they are ACTIVE babies!
Measurements last week estimated Baby A at 4 pounds, 4 ounces, and Baby B at 4 pounds 9 ounces - so most likely I have around 8 pounds of baby I'm carrying already!
My blood pressure is still normal, and no sign of protein, so little risk of pre-eclampsia. My cervis is still closed - which makes ALL of us very happy.
I've had a bit of an issue for the past few weeks with swelling in my feet - only shoes I can get on are my tennis shoes. So, I look like a dork, but overall, still feeling well.
The one bit of bad news that we received is that Baby A didn't get the memo, and is breech (butt down). So, right now the doctors are plannign a C-section to deliver these babies. :-( Not what we were hoping for, but all things considered, we'll deal with it.
The doctor indicated that they will not let me go past 38 weeks, so we currently have a C-section scheduled for Jaunary 27th at 12:30 p.m. Of course, anything could happen before then (go into labor, my water could break, etc.), but right now that's the plan! That should give us 2 very healthy babies that we can bring home from the hospital, and we should still be able to have the baptism on 2/13!
I have an appt. this afternoon, so another post will follow later.
Please continue to pray for all of us - we'd really like to make it to January 27th!
Love to all...
Kate, Brian and the babies.

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