Our Family

Friday, November 20, 2009

Ultrasound and appointment update

28 1/2 weeks, and the babies are doing great!
Went to the doctor today, and they did another ultrasound. Measurements say that "Right" weighs around 2 pounds 11 ounces, and "Left" is at 2 pounds 13 ounces. This is more than a pound more for each of them than what they weighed 4 weeks ago. This is awesome! (Especially when you consider that's 5 1/2 pounds of baby, and I've only gained 17 pounds in total so far).
The doctor is very pleased with how the babies are doing, and with how well I am doing.
I finally received my swine flu vaccine. Babies are still nice and high (not putting pressure on my cervix) and my cervix is still closed. That all means that I'm still cleared for traveling!
I've been experiencing some leg cramps (the kind that wake you from a dead sleep in the middle of the night). Doctor recommended ensuring I'm getting my calcium (Tums), potassium (banana), and magnesium (need to get a supplement). I'm willing to give anything a try!
I've had a few warm up contractions, but as long as they aren't regular, and aren't getting any stronger, nothing to worry about for now. It would just be nice if they would come when I'm not driving, as it gets pretty hard to move back and forth between the gas and the brakes when I'm having a contraction!
Hoping we get the nursery walls painted tonight, and running some other errands for the babies tomorrow. Then heading to see baby Knox and Lylah on Sunday. More traveling this week to see the Hart family for Thanksgiving as well. Here comes another busy week!
Hope everyone has a great week, and a Happy Thanksgiving.
Keep praying that things continue to go well for all of us. We appreciate everyones help!


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