Our Family

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Being a mom of twin 3 year olds

Wow - people asked me when the boys turned 2 if I was ready for the terrible 2's.  Well, if the 2's were terrible, the 3's are TERRIFYING!

There are so many good things about them being 3:
  • they can talk and communicate and tell us what hurts, what happened at school, etc.
  • they are more independent and can dress themselves
  • they can entertain themselves most of the time
The flip side of it is:
  • you never know for sure if what they are telling you is the truth or not
  • although they can do things themselves, they don't always do it when you ask them
  • they still crave our attention, usually when we just need a few minutes to ourselves

We definitely have our good days and bad days.

Recently, I started noting the things that I seem to repeat OVER AND OVER AND OVER.  I really should get a fancy machine, tape record these sayings, then just push the button when it's appropriate.

  1. One at a time - This phrase applies to so many things....how to eat our snack/breakfast/dinner;  how to go up the stair steps (the boys have seen daddy take the stairs 2 at a time);  taking turns washing our hands;  trying to put our pants on (ok - this is one LEG at a time);  when both of them are trying to ask or tell me something;  how many books we can pick out to read - I could go on and on!
  2. Do you have to go potty? - yes, now that we are potty trained, we still need to prompt them to ensure we don't have any accidents
  3. Did you hear me? - this one is frustrating, as I know they can hear me, they just aren't listening
  4. Please stop touching your weiner - oh the fun of boys!
  5. Let's go get in the van - I bet I say this at least 5 times each weekday morning
  6. Sit down - like #1, this one applies to so many things....getting in their car seats;  eating dinner;  when they are standing on the couch, etc.
There is one phrase that I also say a lot too, but I'm not going to record this one.  It has too much meaning to simply just record it and play it over and over....

I love you!

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