But as the boys are getting older, this mom feels left out.
The other day, I tried playing cars with Lincoln, but he is used to playing cars with Daddy. Daddy is more creative talking about going to the diner for lunch, and getting donuts at the grocery store. Even Brian told me I wasn't doing it right.
Last night after bath, the boys were good so they got to color for their "fun time". Jackson was drawing letters and telling me what they were, but once Brian picked up a crayon, Mommy didn't exist. The boys were fighting trying to help Daddy color his picture.
Now, they are creating their own little secret phrases.
- I was putting Lincoln to bed the other night, and I straightened his pillow. He very quickly gave me the business, insisting he wanted it like a rectangle! Luckily, I turned his pillow just right to accomodate his request.
- There is something else about blueberries that they talk about at night - I still haven't figured that one out, but it makes both the boys laugh and laugh!
- And this morning on the way to daycare, we were talking about letters and animals, and Jackson asked Brian what a dog says. Brian barked like a dog - and the barking and laughing continued for the whole 10 minute drive!