Our Family

Friday, September 7, 2012

Vacation Part II - The Zoo

Monday was a rough day at home.  The boys were excited to be home with Mommy and Daddy, but neither of them wanted to listen or behave. In an effort to get them to nap Monday afternoon, we told them we may go to the zoo the next day.  Our bribery attempt didn't work.  They didn't nap, and the zoo was all they could think about the rest of the day.

Tuesday morning, when they woke up, we heard them talking about how they were going to the zoo! It was super cute, and frankly, we weren't sure we would survive another day at home without taking them, so, off to the zoo we went.

Getting ready to go to the zoo was challenging. They were just so excited, and didn't want to sit still to get dressed.  I really thought we would be dragging these boys out of the zoo 5 minutes after we went in.  Thankfully, that wasn't the case.  When we got to the zoo, we had the two best behaved boys in the world.

They even sat down and let me take their picture just inside the gate:

The boys walked most of the time, and were so excited to see all the animals. They kept saying they wanted to see the cows and the puppy dogs!  We were lucky and saw one woman walking a dog, and they had cows in the petting zoo. 

Later that day at home, I asked the boys what their favorite things at the zoo were. 

Lincoln:  the pigs (we didn't see any pigs!) and the cows
Jackson:  the playground

Here are some pics of them on the playground:
The boys were hesitant to stand by the statues of animals and have their pictures taken, but there was one that caught their attention.....probably cause they thought it was an alligator (but different than Pawpaw's gator)

 I tried to get Jackson to stick his HEAD in the crocodile mouth (that would have been an awesome picture), but he was even hesitant to put his hand in!

One last picture to share - one of my favorites as it captures the personality of my little man so well...

We spent about 3 hours at the zoo, and went home with 2 very happy boys!

In the parking lot, we ate some "daddy sandwiches" we had brought along for lunch, along with some chips and crackers.  The boys napped on the drive home, and we all shared milkshakes when we got home.   Great vacation day, and many memories made!

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