Our Family

Monday, April 18, 2011

Boys will be boys...

With warmer weather, comes more play time outside.
We were out in the garage on Wednesday (4-6).  I was holding Lincoln, but Jackson was smiling ear to ear enjoying being outside, and exploring new territory.  Unfortunately, he got a bit too excited and did a faceplant onto the cement.  There was blood instantly, which very quickly ended up on my creamy white sweater, and lots of tears. 
Obviously, he fell pretty hard and bonked his nose.  After cleaning him up, I assessed the damage.  His pupils seemed fine, so we gave him some Tylenol for his discomfort.  He had a small ring near the end of his nose, from where he obviously smooshed it.  There wasn't anything near the bridge of his nose, so I assumed that he had just hit the tip pretty hard, and there was no need to take him to urgent care.
I thought the fall would slow him down a bit, but an hour after the incident, he was standing on top of his "dinosaur" and Lincoln was starting to push him around.  NO FEAR!
We checked Jackson's nose Thursday morning, and it didn't look as bad as we thought it might.  We gave him some Tylenol again for the discomfort and sent him to daycare (along with a note regarding what had happened). When we picked him up that night, one of his caregivers told us that Jackson had scared her.  She hadn't seen the note, and he seemed fine, then later he was all bruised and swollen.  She thought something had happened at daycare, and she didn't know it.  His nose was extremely bruised and swelled near the bridge.  Daycare indicated they thought he might have broken his nose.
It was already "after-hours" for the doctor, so I waited to call the doctor on Friday morning.  I described things to the nurse, and she talked to the doctor.  Since it didn't appear to be crooked, and I didn't feel any major bumps, they indicated we should continue to watch and monitor him.  At his age, they usually don't do anything for a broken nose.
We expected things to get worse, but they actually didn't, so we aren't sure if he broke his nose or not.  Guess time will tell!
Here are a few pictures...his face is messy, but you can definitely see the bruising!

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