Our Family

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Time keeps on flying by!

Wow - another week has passed already! At least we are continuing to make progress!
Last Wednesday, we toured the maternity area of the hopital, and got a peek into the NICU unit. All I can say is that I hope anyone who tries to come visit us in the hospital isn't afraid to ask directions! Brian and I are planning to do a few dry runs through to make sure we really know where we are going. There are lots of elevators - some take you where you need to go, some don't! We'll deliver on the 9th floor, but after that we could be moved to the 13th or the 7th floor. To make things more complicated, they are working on a new entrance to the maternity ward which opens on 11-1...so we weren't even taken the way we'll need to go. Hopefully we'll figure things out before the first of the year!
Thursday night, Brian put the paint samples for the nursery on the wall, and we made our decision on Friday with which one to use. It is called "Moonlit Yellow" and just seems perfect for babies! Now, we just need to fix the nail pops in the ceiling, paint the ceiling, then we can paint the walls. We may get it all painted by the first of December!
Late Thursday night, we got a call that Brian's niece Alissa broke her leg. It's a spiral fracture in her lower leg, so she has to keep her leg elevated, and no pressure on it for 6-8 weeks. Poor thing! Please say some prayers that everything heals well for her!
Friday night was an errand evening at Target. We had lots of cards to buy, as well as a little cheer up gift for Alissa.
We mailed part of our thank you cards on Saturday. I hope to write the other thank you's this week so that Brian can read them when he gets home on Saturday, and we can get them in the mail.
Saturday was a trip to Fort Recovery for our baby shower on the Hart side. We had a really great afternoon visiting with Brian's aunts (and some uncles too!). We received more amazing gifts for the babies, and were once again reminded how blessed we truly are! Everyone gets excited for a new baby - so the idea of getting 2 at once is reason for double the celebration! Thanks to Lisa and Beth for hosting the shower for us, and bringing all of us together.
Unfortuantely, it was a very late night getting home (especially since we were stuck in traffic for an extra hour because of an accident), so Brian and I slept in on Sunday. However, once we were up, it was time to work on our "to-do" lists. We grabbed some breakfast, started some laundry, then we unloaded the truck from our shower on Saturday. It was fun to go through all of our gifts again, and we really can't wait for the babies to arrive.
After organizing the gifts, Brian went outside to cut the grass, and take care of the yard work while I tended to the house - many loads of laundry, unloading the dishwasher, and clearing off the kitchen counters. Doesn't sound like much, but after going up and down the stairs about 7 times, and bending over to move 5 loads of laundry from the washer to the dryer - it's a lot to do for a woman almost 24 weeks pregnant for twins.
After lunch, I rested, and helped Brian prepare for his trip. It's going to be hard to have him so far away this week, but he deserves to go have some fun before the babies arrive. Plus, I know that the weekend of our anniversary that I get him all to myself, so we have that to look forward to.
Hope everyone had a wonderful week, and that the one ahead is just as good!
Love to all,

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