As a new mom, you expect to pick your child up occasionally and find a little surprise leaking out of their diaper. As a mom of 3 year olds, poop usually isn't much of a concern.
We were busy preparing for the boys birthday party and houseguests. We had party supplies laid out in the dining room, and Brian was organizing. We don't spend a lot of time in the dining room, so the boys were enjoying just running through the entire house.
Then, I heard the words I didn't expect to hear from my 3 year old son - "Mom. There's poop on the floor." Very matter of factly, and without much excitement. Of course, my reaction was, "WWWWHHHHHAAAATTTT?"
I turned around, and there it was. I little turd laying on the kitchen floor. Maybe about as big as a quarter.
I quickly surmised (did the sniff test) who the culprit was, and grabbed Jackson for a pull-up change. Brian tackled the turd, and sanitized the floor. Evidently, Jackson's pull-up had gapped a little bit, and the little turd rolled down his pant leg and onto the floor. Brian even found a second one (much smaller) in the hallway!
I guess as long as you have kids, you always have to expect poop!
Our Family
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
My cape
At bedtime, we've gotten into a routine where Jackson wants to "hide" with Daddy (they go into one of the guest rooms and snuggle under the covers) and Lincoln snuggles and rocks with me in the boys room.
A few nights ago, we went upstairs for our normal bedtime routine. It was getting bitter cold outside, so I grabbed the fleece blanket out of Lincoln's bed. Lincoln came in the room, climbed up on my lap, and started adjusting the blanket around my neck. Then he said, "Here, let me adjust your cape."
My first thought was that I had somehow become a superhero to him. Wow - was I wrong!
Next, he took his little fingers and started brushing them around my ears, and the back of my neck. When he started doing this, he very matter of factly said, "Ok, now I'm going to cut your hair." That's when it clicked for me. When we go see Miss Shauna, they sit in the chair, she adjusts their cape, and then starts cutting their hair with the clippers! Of course, I went along with Lincoln's pretend play - how could I not!
He finished with the clippers, sprayed me with the water bottle, and scissored the top of my hair - just like Miss Shauna does. Next, he messed my hair all up, then carefully fixed it back to normal before declaring, "You're all done!"
The next morning, I got Lincoln up and took him to my bathroom to go tinkle while I finished doing my hair. Suddenly he exclaimed, "Mommy! I cut your hair last night!" With a giggle, I gently reaffirmed our playtime by telling him that yes he did cut my hair, and that I really liked it!
I can't wait for more interactions like this in the future!
A few nights ago, we went upstairs for our normal bedtime routine. It was getting bitter cold outside, so I grabbed the fleece blanket out of Lincoln's bed. Lincoln came in the room, climbed up on my lap, and started adjusting the blanket around my neck. Then he said, "Here, let me adjust your cape."
My first thought was that I had somehow become a superhero to him. Wow - was I wrong!
Next, he took his little fingers and started brushing them around my ears, and the back of my neck. When he started doing this, he very matter of factly said, "Ok, now I'm going to cut your hair." That's when it clicked for me. When we go see Miss Shauna, they sit in the chair, she adjusts their cape, and then starts cutting their hair with the clippers! Of course, I went along with Lincoln's pretend play - how could I not!
He finished with the clippers, sprayed me with the water bottle, and scissored the top of my hair - just like Miss Shauna does. Next, he messed my hair all up, then carefully fixed it back to normal before declaring, "You're all done!"
The next morning, I got Lincoln up and took him to my bathroom to go tinkle while I finished doing my hair. Suddenly he exclaimed, "Mommy! I cut your hair last night!" With a giggle, I gently reaffirmed our playtime by telling him that yes he did cut my hair, and that I really liked it!
I can't wait for more interactions like this in the future!
Saturday, January 5, 2013
More songs....
One night this week when we picked the boys up from daycare we mentioned to their teacher that we have been hearing them sing the colors song - alot. The colors song is a song the boys learned at school where they sing their colors - in both english and spanish. It's sung to the tune of Are you sleeping. It goes:
Red is Rojo
Green is verde
Blue Azule
Negro black
Yellow is Amarillo
Purple is mercado
Blanco White
Orange is amanjado
Pink is rosado
Grey is gris
It's very cute, and both of the boys know it, and they sing it all the time.
When we mentioned it to their teacher, she was happily surprised, and told us to ask them to sing the Three Bears song. We've tried ever since with no luck.
Tonight, cleaning up from dinner, I heard Jackson sitting at the table....just rambling on and on. So, I started listening a little closer, and I was astounded at what was coming out of his mouth! I let him finish, grabbed my camera, and then asked him if he would sing it again.
For the record - I didn't coach him through any of this, as this was only the second time I heard him sing the song! Check out my amazing little (almost) three year old!
Red is Rojo
Green is verde
Blue Azule
Negro black
Yellow is Amarillo
Purple is mercado
Blanco White
Orange is amanjado
Pink is rosado
Grey is gris
It's very cute, and both of the boys know it, and they sing it all the time.
When we mentioned it to their teacher, she was happily surprised, and told us to ask them to sing the Three Bears song. We've tried ever since with no luck.
Tonight, cleaning up from dinner, I heard Jackson sitting at the table....just rambling on and on. So, I started listening a little closer, and I was astounded at what was coming out of his mouth! I let him finish, grabbed my camera, and then asked him if he would sing it again.
For the record - I didn't coach him through any of this, as this was only the second time I heard him sing the song! Check out my amazing little (almost) three year old!
Thursday, January 3, 2013
2013! January Special dates
Uncle John and Aunt Pam Hart will celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary on January 20th. Congratulations to them!
Special celebrations:
THREE years cancer free for my mom - January 7 :-) So proud of her and how she has faced this difficult phase in her life.
- Jennifer Schug - January 1 - 39 years old
- Katelin O'Connor - January 2 - 11 years old
- Lucia Hart - January 14 - 7 years old
- Ally Myers - January 16
- Hannah Burkholder - January 18 - 21 years old
- Natalie Ginter - January 19 - 13 years old
- Eric Wolff - January 19 - 32 years old
- Joe Young - January 19 - 46 years old
- Joyce Gels - January 22 - 82 years old
- Lincoln and Jackson - January 27 - 3 years old
- Tasha Muehlfeld - January 28 - 31 years old
- Norma Gels - January 28 - 79 years old
- Jennifer Luce - January 30 - 38 years old
Uncle John and Aunt Pam Hart will celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary on January 20th. Congratulations to them!
Special celebrations:
THREE years cancer free for my mom - January 7 :-) So proud of her and how she has faced this difficult phase in her life.
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Saving room...
Last night, my almost 3 year old made me tear up.
We took the boys up to bed like usual. Jackson wanted to go and hide with Daddy, and Lincoln wanted to rock with me. He snuggled up on my lap, and we rocked. We've been doing this a lot lately.
When it came time to put Lincoln in his bed, my sweet sweet baby turned my heart into a gooey mess. He climbed up into his big boy bed, and scooted all the way over along the rail. He looked up at me with his big blue eyes, and said, "Mommy, I have room for you. See? This is your room (as he patted the mattress beside him). Will you snuggle with me?"
I wanted nothing more than to crawl right into bed with him...the only thing holding me back was wondering what was the weight limit on the bed! I explained to him that Mommy wasn't ready for bed yet. I didn't know what else to do, so I told him a little white lie...I told him when I was ready for bed, I would come in and snuggle up next to him. This brought a huge smile to his face, and he flashed those blue eyes at me again and said, "OK Mommy. I am saving room for you...."
At first I thought he just wanted someone to snuggle with, but when Daddy pretended he was crawling in his bed, Lincoln told him no - that was Mommy's room.
Love my big guy....
We took the boys up to bed like usual. Jackson wanted to go and hide with Daddy, and Lincoln wanted to rock with me. He snuggled up on my lap, and we rocked. We've been doing this a lot lately.
When it came time to put Lincoln in his bed, my sweet sweet baby turned my heart into a gooey mess. He climbed up into his big boy bed, and scooted all the way over along the rail. He looked up at me with his big blue eyes, and said, "Mommy, I have room for you. See? This is your room (as he patted the mattress beside him). Will you snuggle with me?"
I wanted nothing more than to crawl right into bed with him...the only thing holding me back was wondering what was the weight limit on the bed! I explained to him that Mommy wasn't ready for bed yet. I didn't know what else to do, so I told him a little white lie...I told him when I was ready for bed, I would come in and snuggle up next to him. This brought a huge smile to his face, and he flashed those blue eyes at me again and said, "OK Mommy. I am saving room for you...."
At first I thought he just wanted someone to snuggle with, but when Daddy pretended he was crawling in his bed, Lincoln told him no - that was Mommy's room.
Love my big guy....
Big boy beds
12-29-12 was a very big day for us. We converted the boys cribs into Toddler beds!
We did Lincoln's bed first, and the boys thought it was so cool that they could crawl in and out of it by themselves. They decided to both snuggle up in Lincoln's bed while we worked on Jackson's. Check out these 2 big guys!
We had a brief discussion about their new big boy beds - there is one rule and that is they cannot get out of their big boy beds without mommy or daddy telling them that it is ok. It worked! When the boys wake up from their nap, or wake in the morning, they stay in their beds, and call to us through the monitor.
The best was New Years Day. Brian and I were up later than usual, so when we heard the boys chattering at 6:40 we were less than eager to get up. I went down to their room, and directed their attention to their Tot Clock - it was still blue. We discussed what "blue" on the clock means, and they both happily told me that it meant it was time to go back to sleep. I asked them to lay back down in their beds and rest until the clock turned yellow - then it would be time to get up. I hesitantly went back to bed.
We heard the boys continue to chatter in their room, but they never got out of their beds. They patiently waited until the clock turned yellow (at 8:00), then they called to us again, telling us the clock was yellow and it was time to get up.
I love having the boys in toddler beds! I can go in and snuggle them up and kiss them goodnight again before I go to bed. And the boys are so excited to have big boy beds!
We did Lincoln's bed first, and the boys thought it was so cool that they could crawl in and out of it by themselves. They decided to both snuggle up in Lincoln's bed while we worked on Jackson's. Check out these 2 big guys!
We had a brief discussion about their new big boy beds - there is one rule and that is they cannot get out of their big boy beds without mommy or daddy telling them that it is ok. It worked! When the boys wake up from their nap, or wake in the morning, they stay in their beds, and call to us through the monitor.
The best was New Years Day. Brian and I were up later than usual, so when we heard the boys chattering at 6:40 we were less than eager to get up. I went down to their room, and directed their attention to their Tot Clock - it was still blue. We discussed what "blue" on the clock means, and they both happily told me that it meant it was time to go back to sleep. I asked them to lay back down in their beds and rest until the clock turned yellow - then it would be time to get up. I hesitantly went back to bed.
We heard the boys continue to chatter in their room, but they never got out of their beds. They patiently waited until the clock turned yellow (at 8:00), then they called to us again, telling us the clock was yellow and it was time to get up.
I love having the boys in toddler beds! I can go in and snuggle them up and kiss them goodnight again before I go to bed. And the boys are so excited to have big boy beds!
Last winter, we barely saw snow, so the boys really don't remember snow. We had a light dusting before Christmas, but not enough to bother with. We were just thankful it didn't hinder our travels to celebrate the holiday with my family.
We celebrated Christmas at my parents house the Sunday before Christmas. The boys got lots of great gifts from everyone, but one of the big hits were snow shovels from Uncle Rodney. Jackson was especially excited about his snow shovel, and immediately started asking (and continued to ask every 5 minutes) if it was snowing yet.
Thankfully, on Wednesday (the day after Christmas) the snow finally came.
The boys were so excited, and couldn't wait to go and shovel the snow. After their nap, all 4 of us bundled up and headed out to clear the 3 inches or so that had accumulated in the driveway.
Here is a picture of Lincoln doing his part....
They did pretty good, pushing the snow around on the driveway. Then, they "helped" me clear the sidewalk in the front of the house. I was concerned it was going to turn into a snowball fight when they thought it was fun to get the snow on their shovels and throw it at each other. But, they aren't quite 3, so the snow fell off the shovel before they could really throw it at each other. Next year will be another story.
Jackson kept saying over and over how much fun it was to shovel snow. He even said that after he fell down a few times on the icy driveway!
Mr. Herb wanted to know how much the boys charge for helping...I think we'll send the boys over to help him for the next snowfall!
Looking forward to more snow this winter, now that we have twice as much help in clearing the driveway!
We celebrated Christmas at my parents house the Sunday before Christmas. The boys got lots of great gifts from everyone, but one of the big hits were snow shovels from Uncle Rodney. Jackson was especially excited about his snow shovel, and immediately started asking (and continued to ask every 5 minutes) if it was snowing yet.
Thankfully, on Wednesday (the day after Christmas) the snow finally came.
The boys were so excited, and couldn't wait to go and shovel the snow. After their nap, all 4 of us bundled up and headed out to clear the 3 inches or so that had accumulated in the driveway.
Here is a picture of Lincoln doing his part....
They did pretty good, pushing the snow around on the driveway. Then, they "helped" me clear the sidewalk in the front of the house. I was concerned it was going to turn into a snowball fight when they thought it was fun to get the snow on their shovels and throw it at each other. But, they aren't quite 3, so the snow fell off the shovel before they could really throw it at each other. Next year will be another story.
Jackson kept saying over and over how much fun it was to shovel snow. He even said that after he fell down a few times on the icy driveway!
Mr. Herb wanted to know how much the boys charge for helping...I think we'll send the boys over to help him for the next snowfall!
Looking forward to more snow this winter, now that we have twice as much help in clearing the driveway!
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