It's amazing to see things through the eyes of almost 3 year old boys.
I wasn't feeling well this week, so we "shortcutted" dinner quite a bit. One night, we bought Calzones from Costco and heated them up for dinner. Brian and I were talking about the Calzones very casually, and the boys started making Moooo noises. I didn't get it at first, but Brian picked up on it.
They thought we were saying Cow-zones!
Our Family
Friday, December 21, 2012
Choo Choo Bucky....
With the hustle and bustle of the holidays, the boys have been allowed to watch a bit more TV than usual so that Mommy and Daddy can get things done. Thankfully, there have been some great Christmas based programs!
We taped a special episode of Mickey Mouse where the professor makes snow that doesn't melt. Most of the show is about preparations for a party to celebrate the snow, and Mickey and the gang take a choo-choo train and pick up Clarabell, Chip and Dale, and Mr. and Mrs. Clause. Throughout the episode they sing a song..."We're gonna Choo-Choo Boogey, Choo-Choo all day long!"
A few days after the boys watched this program, Jackson was playing with his train set, just singing away. Brian asked me if I knew what he was singing. I listened to him a little closer, and told him it was the Choo-Choo song from Mickey. Brian listened closer, and agreed that was the song he was singing, and it made sense since he was playing with his train. But a few minutes later, Brian was laughing. He pointed out that Jackson was saying "Choo-Choo Bucky...." not Choo-Choo Boogey! I guess Jackson thought Bucky sounded better....
We taped a special episode of Mickey Mouse where the professor makes snow that doesn't melt. Most of the show is about preparations for a party to celebrate the snow, and Mickey and the gang take a choo-choo train and pick up Clarabell, Chip and Dale, and Mr. and Mrs. Clause. Throughout the episode they sing a song..."We're gonna Choo-Choo Boogey, Choo-Choo all day long!"
A few days after the boys watched this program, Jackson was playing with his train set, just singing away. Brian asked me if I knew what he was singing. I listened to him a little closer, and told him it was the Choo-Choo song from Mickey. Brian listened closer, and agreed that was the song he was singing, and it made sense since he was playing with his train. But a few minutes later, Brian was laughing. He pointed out that Jackson was saying "Choo-Choo Bucky...." not Choo-Choo Boogey! I guess Jackson thought Bucky sounded better....
No cookies for Santa!
Earlier, I shared with everyone how our day on 12-12-12 started. Now, here is the rest of the story.
Uncle Aaron made Christmas cookies and shared some with us a few days earlier. We were eating the last of Uncle's cookies on 12-12-12, and the boys were a little sad. Jackson looked at me (seriously) and told me that Uncle would have to make some more cookies for them!
After I finished laughing, I reminded the boys that we had made cookies with Mawmaw at Thanksgiving, and we had some in the freezer. They immediately wanted to get them out and eat them! I told them we had to wait just a little bit we needed to save some for Santa.
Both the boys were thoroughly confused. Save them for Santa? WHAT???
I explained that on Christmas eve, we set out cookies for Santa, and carrots for the reindeer. Jackson quickly scowled at me, and said, "No cookies for Santa. I am NOT sharing my cookies with Santa." I tried to explain to him that we have to be good boys and share, or Santa won't bring us any presents. Jackson thought about this for a bit, but still insisted, "I am NOT sharing my cookies with Santa. He can have carrots too."
I guess cookies are better than presents to my little guys....but I'm afraid Santa is going to be very disappointed!
Uncle Aaron made Christmas cookies and shared some with us a few days earlier. We were eating the last of Uncle's cookies on 12-12-12, and the boys were a little sad. Jackson looked at me (seriously) and told me that Uncle would have to make some more cookies for them!
After I finished laughing, I reminded the boys that we had made cookies with Mawmaw at Thanksgiving, and we had some in the freezer. They immediately wanted to get them out and eat them! I told them we had to wait just a little bit we needed to save some for Santa.
Both the boys were thoroughly confused. Save them for Santa? WHAT???
I explained that on Christmas eve, we set out cookies for Santa, and carrots for the reindeer. Jackson quickly scowled at me, and said, "No cookies for Santa. I am NOT sharing my cookies with Santa." I tried to explain to him that we have to be good boys and share, or Santa won't bring us any presents. Jackson thought about this for a bit, but still insisted, "I am NOT sharing my cookies with Santa. He can have carrots too."
I guess cookies are better than presents to my little guys....but I'm afraid Santa is going to be very disappointed!
Last winter was unusually mild here in Ohio. We didn't have any real measurable snow, so the boys don't really remember snow. We got a light dusting of the white stuff last night. When we told the boys about it this morning, Jackson was extremely excited!
First we talked about it. He was excited to see it and see how pretty it was. Then it dawned on him - we have Christmas lights in the trees outside. His excitement turned to concern for the lights, but returned to excitement when Mommy reassured him the lights would be fine, and that the snow would make them even prettier.
After breakfast, he hurried to put his shoes and coat on so he could go out and see the snow.
The ride to daycare was hilarious. Jackson talked non-stop about the snow.
I like the snow.
Do you like the snow Daddy?
Do you like the snow Mommy?
Do you like the snow Lincoln?
I like the snow.
I want to go to Chickadees and play in the snow.
It's snowing!
(Then, he started all over again).
The best part was when we pulled up to a stop light. There was a big truck next to us. He must have been blocking the light just right, as I heard Jackson say, "Oh no. I can't see it snowing. That big truck is blocking my snow!"
And this was all for a dusting. Heaven help us if we get a foot!
First we talked about it. He was excited to see it and see how pretty it was. Then it dawned on him - we have Christmas lights in the trees outside. His excitement turned to concern for the lights, but returned to excitement when Mommy reassured him the lights would be fine, and that the snow would make them even prettier.
After breakfast, he hurried to put his shoes and coat on so he could go out and see the snow.
The ride to daycare was hilarious. Jackson talked non-stop about the snow.
I like the snow.
Do you like the snow Daddy?
Do you like the snow Mommy?
Do you like the snow Lincoln?
I like the snow.
I want to go to Chickadees and play in the snow.
It's snowing!
(Then, he started all over again).
The best part was when we pulled up to a stop light. There was a big truck next to us. He must have been blocking the light just right, as I heard Jackson say, "Oh no. I can't see it snowing. That big truck is blocking my snow!"
And this was all for a dusting. Heaven help us if we get a foot!
Friday, December 14, 2012
Chipotle peppers in adobo sauce
As a new parent, we were very eager to get the boys eating table food. Baby food looks and smells disgusting, and giving the kids regular people food was so much easier! However, we were hesitant to give them anything and everything. We were concerned about their digestion.
Luckily, we mentioned it when we were at the doctors office one day - that we weren't giving the boys spicy stuff. We wanted to be gentle on their little stomachs. The doctor told us to give the boys spicy stuff, otherwise we would end up with picky eaters!
From that point forward, we gave the boys anything and everything that we ate, and we have very good eaters.
One of my favorite quick restaurants is Chipotle. They layer rice, beans, marinated chicken, salsa, cheese, and sour cream in a bowl and it is delicious. I've made "Chipotle" bowls at home a few times using taco seasoning to flavor the chicken, but it never tastes the same. A month or so ago, I wanted to try something different to flavor the chicken in my Chipole bowls. I bought a can of Chipotle peppers in adobo sauce, blended them in my mini chopper, and added them to my chicken.
The first time I made them, I went easy on the peppers. I hadn't used them before, and didn't want to get things too spicy. I got a little braver the second time. :-)
I put the boys Chipotle bowls together, and sat them on the table. The boys dug in immediately, as rice, beans and chicken are some of their favorite foods. I put bowls together for Brian and me, and we sat down at the table. We said our prayer, then reached for our forks.
Brian took his first bite, chewed, then reached for his water! "Wow - that's spicy. Definitely got some bite to it", he said. I looked at the boys after he said this, and they were nearly finished with their dinner. The spice wasn't bothering them! Who would have thought that 2 year olds would be able to handle spicier food than their dad?
Luckily, we mentioned it when we were at the doctors office one day - that we weren't giving the boys spicy stuff. We wanted to be gentle on their little stomachs. The doctor told us to give the boys spicy stuff, otherwise we would end up with picky eaters!
From that point forward, we gave the boys anything and everything that we ate, and we have very good eaters.
One of my favorite quick restaurants is Chipotle. They layer rice, beans, marinated chicken, salsa, cheese, and sour cream in a bowl and it is delicious. I've made "Chipotle" bowls at home a few times using taco seasoning to flavor the chicken, but it never tastes the same. A month or so ago, I wanted to try something different to flavor the chicken in my Chipole bowls. I bought a can of Chipotle peppers in adobo sauce, blended them in my mini chopper, and added them to my chicken.
The first time I made them, I went easy on the peppers. I hadn't used them before, and didn't want to get things too spicy. I got a little braver the second time. :-)
I put the boys Chipotle bowls together, and sat them on the table. The boys dug in immediately, as rice, beans and chicken are some of their favorite foods. I put bowls together for Brian and me, and we sat down at the table. We said our prayer, then reached for our forks.
Brian took his first bite, chewed, then reached for his water! "Wow - that's spicy. Definitely got some bite to it", he said. I looked at the boys after he said this, and they were nearly finished with their dinner. The spice wasn't bothering them! Who would have thought that 2 year olds would be able to handle spicier food than their dad?
My alphabet box is broken
A few weeks ago, we were driving home from daycare. The boys were chatting away in the backseat, happy as can be. I heard them talking about something being broken, and Jackson said he could use his alphabet box to fix it.
(For all you non-Sprout watchers: There is a show called Super Why. It is four kids who have a bookclub, and when they have a problem, they "fly" into a book to find the answer. They all became superheros, with unique powers. Alphabet pig has alphabet powers, and he builds the alphabet using his alphabet box.)
So, I thought it was cute that Jackson wanted to use his alphabet box to fix something. However, then I heard him tell Lincoln that his alphabet box was broken. Oh know, what are we going to do now? This made me giggle even more (they have such imaginations).
However, the best part was listening to the two boys in the back seat contemplate what they were going to do. They had to fix their alphabet box so they could fix the other thing.
Who do we call when we need help? Toodles of course! (Toodles is from Mickey Mouse) Toodles would come and fix the alphabet box, then they could use the alphabet box to fix the other thing.
Who can argue with that logic? I couldn't do anything but flat out laugh out loud.
My kids really don't watch that much TV, but there are definitely characters that have had a tremendous impact on them! Glad to see that the boys see all the characters as interchangable!
(For all you non-Sprout watchers: There is a show called Super Why. It is four kids who have a bookclub, and when they have a problem, they "fly" into a book to find the answer. They all became superheros, with unique powers. Alphabet pig has alphabet powers, and he builds the alphabet using his alphabet box.)
So, I thought it was cute that Jackson wanted to use his alphabet box to fix something. However, then I heard him tell Lincoln that his alphabet box was broken. Oh know, what are we going to do now? This made me giggle even more (they have such imaginations).
However, the best part was listening to the two boys in the back seat contemplate what they were going to do. They had to fix their alphabet box so they could fix the other thing.
Who do we call when we need help? Toodles of course! (Toodles is from Mickey Mouse) Toodles would come and fix the alphabet box, then they could use the alphabet box to fix the other thing.
Who can argue with that logic? I couldn't do anything but flat out laugh out loud.
My kids really don't watch that much TV, but there are definitely characters that have had a tremendous impact on them! Glad to see that the boys see all the characters as interchangable!
12-12-12 was a very big day in the Hart household.
When the alarm went off, I didn’t want to get out of bed. It was 22 degrees outside - who wants to get out bed for that? However, off to work I had to go, so I finally got up and took a shower.
As I shut the shower off, I heard Jackson crying. Both the boys were up. This has been happening a lot lately. Not what I needed on a morning where I was running late anyway, but down the hall I went. I got Jackson out of bed, and put him down to get Lincoln out of his bed. I turned around and Jackson had crawled back into his bed. Evidently, like me, he didn’t want to get up.
Lincoln told me he had to go potty, so we went to my bathroom, and we started our normal morning potty routine. He was content just sitting there, so I began getting around for work, and chatted with him while he went potty. I put my contacts in and started putting on my makeup when I heard it – “splash”.
It took a second to sink in, but I realized something BIG had just happened.
Lincoln went POO-POO in the potty!
First, I asked him if he went poo-poo, and he happily confirmed. I couldn't contain my excitement - I immediately started praising him, and making a big deal out of it. I yelled down the hallway to Brian and told him. Daddy came to join in on the praise. Jackson (who was still laying in his bed) heard all the comotion, and came to see what all the fuss was about. The boys now think I am a total lunatic because I got SO EXCITED about this!
As his reward, Lincoln got to pick what the boys had for breakfast, and he even got candy for breakfast (which they will both tell you “we don’t eat candy for breakfast”)!
Not to be outdone, in the middle of breakfast Jackson told us he had to go potty. We want them to tell us when they went, so Brian took him to the bathroom. To our surprise, he went potty, even though he had went potty after Lincoln earlier. So, he got candy too for telling us he had to go!
I shared this big news with daycare, and I am hoping and praying that they will continue to encourage him!
We may just make it through potty training before they turn 3! Wish us luck!
When the alarm went off, I didn’t want to get out of bed. It was 22 degrees outside - who wants to get out bed for that? However, off to work I had to go, so I finally got up and took a shower.
As I shut the shower off, I heard Jackson crying. Both the boys were up. This has been happening a lot lately. Not what I needed on a morning where I was running late anyway, but down the hall I went. I got Jackson out of bed, and put him down to get Lincoln out of his bed. I turned around and Jackson had crawled back into his bed. Evidently, like me, he didn’t want to get up.
Lincoln told me he had to go potty, so we went to my bathroom, and we started our normal morning potty routine. He was content just sitting there, so I began getting around for work, and chatted with him while he went potty. I put my contacts in and started putting on my makeup when I heard it – “splash”.
It took a second to sink in, but I realized something BIG had just happened.
Lincoln went POO-POO in the potty!
First, I asked him if he went poo-poo, and he happily confirmed. I couldn't contain my excitement - I immediately started praising him, and making a big deal out of it. I yelled down the hallway to Brian and told him. Daddy came to join in on the praise. Jackson (who was still laying in his bed) heard all the comotion, and came to see what all the fuss was about. The boys now think I am a total lunatic because I got SO EXCITED about this!
As his reward, Lincoln got to pick what the boys had for breakfast, and he even got candy for breakfast (which they will both tell you “we don’t eat candy for breakfast”)!
Not to be outdone, in the middle of breakfast Jackson told us he had to go potty. We want them to tell us when they went, so Brian took him to the bathroom. To our surprise, he went potty, even though he had went potty after Lincoln earlier. So, he got candy too for telling us he had to go!
I shared this big news with daycare, and I am hoping and praying that they will continue to encourage him!
We may just make it through potty training before they turn 3! Wish us luck!
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Hide and Seek
This post should have been written weeks ago...but is still relevant!
I think it all started around Halloween time...when the boys were all about scaring people. They love it when you walk up to them and unexpectedly say "Boo!". Well, it somehow led to playing Hide and Seek.
The first night I remember, we were finishing getting the boys dressed after bath. Brian announced he was going to go hide, then the boys should come find him. We closed the door to our bedroom, daddy went and hid while we counted to 10. Then, I released the boys to go find Brian.
Brian hid beside the bed in the guest room. The light was off, but the boys turned the light on before they went in to look for Brian. When the boys saw him, Brian said "Boo!" and they all laughed. Deep, deep, roll on the floor belly laughs! The boys loved it so much, we did it again, but this time Daddy hid behind the rocking chair in the boys bedroom. The result was the same - lots of laughter.
Since that first night, this has become almost an every night occurance....only now it happens when we go up to bed. Brian runs up the stairs first telling the boys he's going to go hide. Then, the boys go and find him. Sometimes he's behind the rocking chair, or in their closet. Recently, he's been hiding under the covers of the bed in the office.
We've tried to let the boys hide, then we go find them. However, Lincoln hides, but doesn't have the patience to wait for us to find him. He usually runs out of his hiding place toward us laughing!
It really is amazing how much parents learn from their kids. We've learned how simple life was when we were little. We love the innocence and ease of life as a 2 year old. We've also learned to let our guard down, to act silly from time to time, and just relish each and every fun moment with our boys. That's really what life is all about!
I think it all started around Halloween time...when the boys were all about scaring people. They love it when you walk up to them and unexpectedly say "Boo!". Well, it somehow led to playing Hide and Seek.
The first night I remember, we were finishing getting the boys dressed after bath. Brian announced he was going to go hide, then the boys should come find him. We closed the door to our bedroom, daddy went and hid while we counted to 10. Then, I released the boys to go find Brian.
Brian hid beside the bed in the guest room. The light was off, but the boys turned the light on before they went in to look for Brian. When the boys saw him, Brian said "Boo!" and they all laughed. Deep, deep, roll on the floor belly laughs! The boys loved it so much, we did it again, but this time Daddy hid behind the rocking chair in the boys bedroom. The result was the same - lots of laughter.
Since that first night, this has become almost an every night occurance....only now it happens when we go up to bed. Brian runs up the stairs first telling the boys he's going to go hide. Then, the boys go and find him. Sometimes he's behind the rocking chair, or in their closet. Recently, he's been hiding under the covers of the bed in the office.
We've tried to let the boys hide, then we go find them. However, Lincoln hides, but doesn't have the patience to wait for us to find him. He usually runs out of his hiding place toward us laughing!
It really is amazing how much parents learn from their kids. We've learned how simple life was when we were little. We love the innocence and ease of life as a 2 year old. We've also learned to let our guard down, to act silly from time to time, and just relish each and every fun moment with our boys. That's really what life is all about!
Festival of lights
On Saturday night of Thanksgiving weekend, we took the boys to see the lights at the zoo. Mom, Dad, and Aaron went with us. We were concerned it would be crowded and cold, but it ended up being the perfect night.
First, we saw the elephants - the boys love elephants. They were inside the building, so we got a really good look at all 3 of them. Next, we stopped and watched the synchronized light show over the lake. The boys were fascinated by this! They loved how the colors changed, the lights came on and off - I think they would have stood there for hours watching it.
Next, we went to see the giraffes. A new baby giraffe was born about 6 weeks earlier, and we watched the baby and its mom interact. The boys even got to see the mommy giraffe give the baby giraffe a kiss!
We walked around the zoo and looked at the animals and lights for a while, then my mom bought the boys a hot chocolate. Next, we rode the carosel. The boys were very excited about it, and picked out zebras to ride. Brian went with Jackson, and he loved the carosel. I stayed with Lincoln....and although I talked him through things and told him that we would start moving, and the zebra would go up and down, about 20 seconds into it, he said, "I'm done Mommy. Lets go." He really didn't like it moving!
After the carosel ride, we continued walking through the lights. We found the alligator that we took pictures with this summer....and had to repeat the experience! Check these alligator wrestlers out!
We kept walking through the zoo, and enjoying our evening. We found an ape statue. Lincoln loved it immediately, and had to have his picture taken.
As great as all these pictures are, my favorite part of the night wasn't captured on film.
As we were heading toward the exit, we found a small display of snowmen that were synchronized to music. The music was Jingle Bells. Lincoln and I stood, watched, and danced along with the snowmen. I will forever remember those few precious minutes, dancing with my son at the zoo every time I hear the song Jingle Bells. Thank you Lincoln for a memory that will last forever!
- December 7 - Uncle Bud Gels turns 71, Angie Wolff turns 29
- December 10 - Karen Zank turns 52
- December 15 - Cassie Muehlfeld turns 27
- December 16 - Barb Brocki turns 51
- December 19 - Payden Schug turns 16
- December 26 - Joey O'Connor turns 13
- December 28 - Zoe Maier turns 11
- December 28 - Jerry Haas turns 49
- December 30 - Matt Schug turns 38
- December 2 - Bill and Jean Muehlfeld celebrate their 35th wedding anniversary
- December 13 - Mom and Dad celebrate their 43nd wedding anniversary
- December 14 - Bud and Lorae gels celebrate their 49th wedding anniversary
- December 27 - Craig and Sue Lynn celebrate their 12th wedding anniversary
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Jackson's song
Of course, Jackson couldn't be outdone by his older brother!
Daddy was EXTRA proud! Both his boys singing one of his favorite songs....and Jackson loves adding the "Redlegs!".
Daddy was EXTRA proud! Both his boys singing one of his favorite songs....and Jackson loves adding the "Redlegs!".
Lincoln....growing up
I know that in just over a month, my babies are going to turn 3. But they continue to amaze me each and every day.
First - a video of Lincoln. Singing "Take me out to the Ballgame". Brian was SO PROUD! He is so happy that the boys are sharing his love of baseball, and the Cincinnati Reds. We didn't couch Lincoln - he did this all on his own. Sometimes, I think they are going on 5 instead of 3....and I squeeze them a little tighter, holding onto my sweet little boys.
First - a video of Lincoln. Singing "Take me out to the Ballgame". Brian was SO PROUD! He is so happy that the boys are sharing his love of baseball, and the Cincinnati Reds. We didn't couch Lincoln - he did this all on his own. Sometimes, I think they are going on 5 instead of 3....and I squeeze them a little tighter, holding onto my sweet little boys.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
First Dentist appointment
A few weeks after I took Lincoln to the dentist in August to get his tooth pulled, Jackson started asking if he could go to the dentist. He knew his brother had been there TWICE, and he hadn't gotten to go yet. The boys had been doing really good with letting Brian and me brush their teeth at night, so we knew they were finally ready for their first trip to the dentist.
I called mid-October to make an appointment, and luckily they had an appointment for Monday before Thanksgiving. This was perfect as I was off work that whole week! After the appointment was made, the dentist office sent over an orientation packet to help prepare the boys for their visit.
The packet included some gloves, masks, and the little mirrors the dentist uses. We showed the boys all these things, put them on, and told them that the dentist and people at the dentist office would have all these things. The packet also included a Dora book that talks about Dora's first trip to the dentist. We read it so much in the first few days we had it that we had to start changing the story up on them - otherwise, they were telling us the story!
The boys were so excited for their visit! Lincoln led the way up the stairs, and immediately went to the play area of the waiting room. Jackson happily followed. The boys played for a few minutes, fought over a few toys, then it was time to go back to see the dentist.
First, we had to show the hygenist how we brush our teeth. She colored their teeth red, and the boys worked to brush all the color away. Both the boys thought this was pretty cool. They got to pick out their own toothbrushes even! The hygenist then brushed their teeth to remove the rest of the color, and gave them a drink of water to rinse their mouth. Both boys tried to spit....TRIED being the appropriate word.
Next, we went and sat in the big boy dentist chairs! Each of the boys found a toy to play with while they were waiting.
Next, it was Jackson's turn. Miss Karen came over to his chair, and showed him the light. He picked out a pair of sunglasses to put on, and was as "cool" as he looked throughout the whole appointment. He answered Miss Karen's questions, did as she asked, and he was the best little boy in the world. Although he has fewer teeth than Lincoln (only 16), he got the same report - all healthy, and great looking teeth.
Each of the boys got a brown elephant balloon animal, they picked out stickers, pencils and finger puppets. Over the past few weeks, each of the boys have looked forward to brushing their teeth, comment on how they have bright, shiny teeth, and they continue to love "playing dentist" each night with Brian and me. Overall, a great first experience at the dentist for both of them, and we look forward to many happy, healthy smiles in the future.
Christmas Cut out cookies
Every year since we bought our house, except for the year I was pregnant, we have been blessed to host Thanksgiving for my family. I love Thanksgiving week. My sister and her family come down on Wednesday night and stay with us. We have our Thanksgiving dinner for lunch on Thursday, then the Willingers continue their travels to Louisville to spend time with RJ's family.
My parents come down on Wednesday, and spend most of the long holiday weekend with us. Before the boys came along, my mom and I would leisurely shop a bit on Friday while Dad and Brian would watch football, and do little things around the house.
Now that we have the boys, and they are getting older, most of our weekend is spent just spending time together. This year, my mom and I decided we were going to bake some Christmas cut out cookies. Grandmas always want to bake cookies with their grandkids, so it was the perfect. We stirred the cookies up on Friday, then started in on baking them on Saturday.
My mom rolled out the cookies, and asked the boys if they wanted to help make cookies. Lincoln was eager to jump right in and see what this was all about. Plus, he wanted a cookie!
Jackson quickly decided this looked like fun, and wanted in on the action. He watched and patiently waited for Mawmaw to line-up the cookie cutter.....
Then, he dove right into the fun!
I really thought the boys would do a few cookies, get bored with it, and then go play. Boy, was I wrong! The helped with about half of our 4 batches of cookies! They probably would have helped with all of them, but Mawmaw and I were ready to just get the baking done so we distracted the boys with a movie.
My mom will likely want to kill me for posting these pictures, but they capture a memory that can never be erased. I especially love this picture below....
What's so special about this picture? I love the way Lincoln is looking at my mom. It is a combination of adoration, love and patience. He loved and adored her for allowing him to help, and for spending time with him. And the patience....well, he was just waiting for it to be his turn!
The Lebanon Christmas parade
Saturday night, we took the boys to the Lebanon Christmas parade. Probably not our best first experience. The weather was beautiful, so there were a lot of people there - which meant long lines waiting for food. Not ideal with two two year olds. However, once we got our food, it was delicious - the pork chop sandwhich and chicken strips and fries hit the spot.
We were lucky to find a front row seat for the parade - by sitting on the road! The boys really liked seeing all the horses and the lighted carriages, but they are still talking about 2 specific elements from the parade:
1) Old MacDonald
One of the carriages had Ronald McDonald riding along. Of course, Brian and I made a big deal about it being Ronald McDonald, but all the boys heard was McDonald....and they were absolutely convinced that it was Old MacDonald (afterall, there were horses, right?). I guess it's good that they don't know who Ronald McDonald is, but it's funny to listen to them tell us that Old MacDonald had big red shoes!
2) Santa Clause
Mr. and Mrs. Clause rode along on the very first carriage in the parade. After they finished their parade route, they walked the route, waving and saying hello to everyone. We were lucky enough that they stood right in front of us! The boys were a little aprehensive, but smiled widely as the two continued walking on down the street! Lincoln kept saying "Meeeeerrrrrrryyyyyyy Christmas!"
We were lucky to find a front row seat for the parade - by sitting on the road! The boys really liked seeing all the horses and the lighted carriages, but they are still talking about 2 specific elements from the parade:
1) Old MacDonald
One of the carriages had Ronald McDonald riding along. Of course, Brian and I made a big deal about it being Ronald McDonald, but all the boys heard was McDonald....and they were absolutely convinced that it was Old MacDonald (afterall, there were horses, right?). I guess it's good that they don't know who Ronald McDonald is, but it's funny to listen to them tell us that Old MacDonald had big red shoes!
2) Santa Clause
Mr. and Mrs. Clause rode along on the very first carriage in the parade. After they finished their parade route, they walked the route, waving and saying hello to everyone. We were lucky enough that they stood right in front of us! The boys were a little aprehensive, but smiled widely as the two continued walking on down the street! Lincoln kept saying "Meeeeerrrrrrryyyyyyy Christmas!"
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