It's hard to believe, but it's almost time for the boys to move to the next room at daycare!
They have been visiting the Chickadees room over the past week. They will be moving there permanently after the Labor Day weekend.
As has been the case in the past, I'm a bit worried about how Lincoln is going to adjust. They have told us that he has cried when they first take him to visit Chickadees, but then settles in. He is a lot like his dad - not so sure about change. Plus, he loves his "Miss Kayla", so it's going to be difficult leaving her behind. Even yesterday at home, he was saying he doesn't want to go to Chickadees.
Jackson however loves Chickadees. It's a new area with different toys and activities. He loves exploring and learning new things. The teachers tell us the boys behave better than most of the kids already in there - I hope that continues.
This move will be quite an adjustment for Brian and I as well. Currently, we pull to the back entrance of the building. We get out, get the boys out of their seats, and take them into their classroom. That changes with this next move. We will now pull up to the front entrance, one of the caregivers will come out and get the boys out of their seats, and take them into the building. They do the same when we come pick them up - they bring them out, put them back in their seats, and we are off. This will definitely save us time for drop offs and pick ups, but means that goodbyes kisses will happen only at home.
Of course, we are going to be on vacation the week of August 27th, and they will officially tranistion to Chickadees the next week, so it will be a whole lot of adjusting all at once.
Please keep us in your prayers, and wish us luck!
Our Family
Monday, August 20, 2012
A whole lot of Harts...
We had one of the best weekends! It was the perfect balance of spending time and catching up with family, yet relaxing and having fun.
Friday night, Brian's cousin Joan and her family came and had dinner with us and spent the night. They came down and spent the day at King's Island, then wanted to get some extra time with the boys. We had a great night eating dinner on the patio, watching the boys run around the yard, and kicking bouncy balls. Desta was amazed with how much the boys talk, and Joan shared some scary ghost stories with Brian! We also got to know Will SO MUCH BETTER! So glad they came to share the evening with us.
Despite being up till 10:00 Friday night, the boys were up bright and early at 6:40 on Saturday morning. I got up with the boys, fed them breakfast, unloaded the dishwasher, washed up the crockpots from Friday nights dinner, made beans to take to the reunion and started some laundry - all by 9:00. Then, Brian and I looked at each other and wondered what to do. The house was all clean, the boys were playing, and our guests were still sleeping. Saturday mornings are usually about running errands, or cleaning the house. We weren't sure what to do with ourselves!
Around 10:00, our guests started to stir. We enjoyed some coffee cake with them before they headed out to the Golden Lamb. Then, we had a light lunch, and packed up to head to the Hart reunion in Fort Recovery.
The boys slept for a good portion of the drive, which gave me some quality chat time with my Gram. She's having a knee replacement today, so I wanted to make sure she knew we were all thinking and praying for her!
When we arrived in Fort Recovery, the boys were ready to go. They loved exploring the play area - riding the horses, climbing everything they could find, and going down the many slides. They also loved just being able to run freely! And they were utterly facinated with being able to touch and check out a "fireman" (aka - fire hydrant).
Brian and I balanced visiting and watching the boys. It was great catching up with all of the Harts, and enjoying a beautiful day outside. A special thanks to the family members who understood that our little Harts wanted to play, so they came and visited with us while we pushed them on the swings, and ensured they didn't fall off the fort playground.
On our way home, we stopped to visit Janice. Our visits with her aren't as vibrant and fun as they used to be, but after a difficult week, Brian just needed to talk to her. We hope that she knows how much she is loved and missed each and every day.
The boys slept most of the way home, barely woke up when we carried them into the house and put them on the couch. We took their shoes and socks off, unloaded the car, then it was bedtime for us all.
All the fresh air from the weekend wore the boys out, and they slept till almost 7:30 on Sunday morning.
Sunday was filled with a few errands, naps, and preparing for the week ahead.
We hope everyone enjoyed the weekend as much as we did, and wish you all a great week ahead!
Friday night, Brian's cousin Joan and her family came and had dinner with us and spent the night. They came down and spent the day at King's Island, then wanted to get some extra time with the boys. We had a great night eating dinner on the patio, watching the boys run around the yard, and kicking bouncy balls. Desta was amazed with how much the boys talk, and Joan shared some scary ghost stories with Brian! We also got to know Will SO MUCH BETTER! So glad they came to share the evening with us.
Despite being up till 10:00 Friday night, the boys were up bright and early at 6:40 on Saturday morning. I got up with the boys, fed them breakfast, unloaded the dishwasher, washed up the crockpots from Friday nights dinner, made beans to take to the reunion and started some laundry - all by 9:00. Then, Brian and I looked at each other and wondered what to do. The house was all clean, the boys were playing, and our guests were still sleeping. Saturday mornings are usually about running errands, or cleaning the house. We weren't sure what to do with ourselves!
Around 10:00, our guests started to stir. We enjoyed some coffee cake with them before they headed out to the Golden Lamb. Then, we had a light lunch, and packed up to head to the Hart reunion in Fort Recovery.
The boys slept for a good portion of the drive, which gave me some quality chat time with my Gram. She's having a knee replacement today, so I wanted to make sure she knew we were all thinking and praying for her!
When we arrived in Fort Recovery, the boys were ready to go. They loved exploring the play area - riding the horses, climbing everything they could find, and going down the many slides. They also loved just being able to run freely! And they were utterly facinated with being able to touch and check out a "fireman" (aka - fire hydrant).
Brian and I balanced visiting and watching the boys. It was great catching up with all of the Harts, and enjoying a beautiful day outside. A special thanks to the family members who understood that our little Harts wanted to play, so they came and visited with us while we pushed them on the swings, and ensured they didn't fall off the fort playground.
On our way home, we stopped to visit Janice. Our visits with her aren't as vibrant and fun as they used to be, but after a difficult week, Brian just needed to talk to her. We hope that she knows how much she is loved and missed each and every day.
The boys slept most of the way home, barely woke up when we carried them into the house and put them on the couch. We took their shoes and socks off, unloaded the car, then it was bedtime for us all.
All the fresh air from the weekend wore the boys out, and they slept till almost 7:30 on Sunday morning.
Sunday was filled with a few errands, naps, and preparing for the week ahead.
We hope everyone enjoyed the weekend as much as we did, and wish you all a great week ahead!
Friday, August 17, 2012
The power of ...Mickey Mouse?
The boys LOVE Mickey Mouse. I mean LOVE.
I have two stories to prove it.
Basically, every Mickey Mouse Clubhouse episode has a story, and along the way, you need different things. There is a character called Toodles that you call for when you need help, and he brings you what you need. We thought it was really cool when the boys started to get the concept of Toodles when they were watching the show, and when Mickey would call for him, they would too (Oh Toodles!). Well, Lincoln has taken it to a whole new level. We've heard him lying in his bed, and say "Oh, my foot is stuck. Oh Toodles!" Then, we were at the dinner table one night, and one of us asked him if he needed a spoon. He of course said, "Yes. I need a spoon. Oh Toodles - bring me a spoon!"
Brian and I were both laughing so hard! If only Toodles were real....things would be so much easier in our house!
So, that's Mickey's impact on Lincoln. Now, it's time for Jackson.
We've gotten used to the boys asking to watch Mickey Mouse or Yo! Gabba Gabba! We've taped different episodes, and when Brian and I get tired of hearing the same ones, then we tape new ones. Well, Jackson has completely fallen in love with an episode that we have taped, and now, that is the only episode of Mickey he wants to watch. He asks specifically for it - Watch Mickey go fishing Daddy! The first few times, I thought he just liked it because it has a kitty cat on it, and they go and catch a big red gooey fish. But last week, he totally blew me away.
It was early in the weekend, so it wasn't like he had seen it three times in a row or anything. He asked me if he could watch Mickey go fishing. So, I turned it on, and sat down for a minute or two to watch it with him. They weren't even through the theme song at the beginning, and Jackson turned to me and said "Star. Star Lake. We have to go to Star Lake to get the fish." And he was right! I was just amazed at how much he remembers, and associates things!
So, like it or not, we are a Mickey Mouse house. Now, let's all do the Hot Dog Dance!
I have two stories to prove it.
Basically, every Mickey Mouse Clubhouse episode has a story, and along the way, you need different things. There is a character called Toodles that you call for when you need help, and he brings you what you need. We thought it was really cool when the boys started to get the concept of Toodles when they were watching the show, and when Mickey would call for him, they would too (Oh Toodles!). Well, Lincoln has taken it to a whole new level. We've heard him lying in his bed, and say "Oh, my foot is stuck. Oh Toodles!" Then, we were at the dinner table one night, and one of us asked him if he needed a spoon. He of course said, "Yes. I need a spoon. Oh Toodles - bring me a spoon!"
Brian and I were both laughing so hard! If only Toodles were real....things would be so much easier in our house!
So, that's Mickey's impact on Lincoln. Now, it's time for Jackson.
We've gotten used to the boys asking to watch Mickey Mouse or Yo! Gabba Gabba! We've taped different episodes, and when Brian and I get tired of hearing the same ones, then we tape new ones. Well, Jackson has completely fallen in love with an episode that we have taped, and now, that is the only episode of Mickey he wants to watch. He asks specifically for it - Watch Mickey go fishing Daddy! The first few times, I thought he just liked it because it has a kitty cat on it, and they go and catch a big red gooey fish. But last week, he totally blew me away.
It was early in the weekend, so it wasn't like he had seen it three times in a row or anything. He asked me if he could watch Mickey go fishing. So, I turned it on, and sat down for a minute or two to watch it with him. They weren't even through the theme song at the beginning, and Jackson turned to me and said "Star. Star Lake. We have to go to Star Lake to get the fish." And he was right! I was just amazed at how much he remembers, and associates things!
So, like it or not, we are a Mickey Mouse house. Now, let's all do the Hot Dog Dance!
Role reversal
Brian and I have been trying really hard to limit the amount of TV the boys get to watch each week. The boys have gotten into a phase where if the TV is on, they are glued to it. We want to make sure they stay active, and don't become couch potatoes.
So, we read more books, have tickle fights, and play with our toys more.
The past 2 weeks, it's been all about reading books. We let the boys pick out which books they want, and we read them to them before we go to bed. One of their favorites is a book we got them for their first birthday called "It's My Birthday". The book has lots of animals in it, and it's all about making a birthday cake - two things that the boys LOVE. So, we read it over, and over, and over again. I've read it so many times that I've had to start making more up to go with the pictures to keep it fresh and new.
Earlier this week, after reading this book at least 3 times that night alone, Lincoln begged me to read it again. Dreading the thought of reading it a 4th time, I asked him to read it to me. I thought he would just sit there and flip the pages, and point at the animals and tell me which animal it was, but within about 10 seconds I couldn't take my eyes (or EARS) off him!
Here is how the story goes Here is what I heard
It's My Birthday It's My Birthday
And I'm going to make a cake Make a cake
I need some eggs. I'll get you some eggs, said the chicken Need to get eggs from the chicken
I need some flour. I'll get you some flour, said the bear We need flour. Thanks Mr. Bear
The story continues with the other ingredients, and he always knew what ingredients each animal brings.
My favorite part though was when he included some of the stuff that I had made up earlier in the night! My face hurt from smiling, and I just kept looking at Brian and saying, "Do you hear this? Are you paying attention?" He was, and his smile was almost as big as mine.
If we didn't know it before, we surely know it now. These boys are watching AND listening to everything! We need to be on our best behavior at ALL times!
So, we read more books, have tickle fights, and play with our toys more.
The past 2 weeks, it's been all about reading books. We let the boys pick out which books they want, and we read them to them before we go to bed. One of their favorites is a book we got them for their first birthday called "It's My Birthday". The book has lots of animals in it, and it's all about making a birthday cake - two things that the boys LOVE. So, we read it over, and over, and over again. I've read it so many times that I've had to start making more up to go with the pictures to keep it fresh and new.
Earlier this week, after reading this book at least 3 times that night alone, Lincoln begged me to read it again. Dreading the thought of reading it a 4th time, I asked him to read it to me. I thought he would just sit there and flip the pages, and point at the animals and tell me which animal it was, but within about 10 seconds I couldn't take my eyes (or EARS) off him!
Here is how the story goes Here is what I heard
It's My Birthday It's My Birthday
And I'm going to make a cake Make a cake
I need some eggs. I'll get you some eggs, said the chicken Need to get eggs from the chicken
I need some flour. I'll get you some flour, said the bear We need flour. Thanks Mr. Bear
The story continues with the other ingredients, and he always knew what ingredients each animal brings.
My favorite part though was when he included some of the stuff that I had made up earlier in the night! My face hurt from smiling, and I just kept looking at Brian and saying, "Do you hear this? Are you paying attention?" He was, and his smile was almost as big as mine.
If we didn't know it before, we surely know it now. These boys are watching AND listening to everything! We need to be on our best behavior at ALL times!
Brotherly love....and toothbrushes
There really is a special bond between twins.
A bond stronger than any of the rest of us will ever understand.
I love seeing that bond between my boys, even though I can't completely comprehend it.
Just look at these two.
I asked them to stand next to each other so I could take their picture. Stand next to each other, yeah right. No, we have to put our arms around each other, and squeeze in as tight as possible.
And we couldn't do it without our Elmo and Abby toothbrushes in our mouths!
Wrapping their arms around each other is something Jackson has always initiated. I remember them being just a few weeks old, propping them up on pillows in our bed, and trying to take pictures. Jackson ALWAYS got his arm around Lincoln somehow, which would look so cute. But usually before I could even snap the picture, he would grab onto Lincoln's ear, and refuse to let go.
Poor Lincoln.
But, despite all that torture he endured, Lincoln is the one who reaches out to hold Jackson's hand.
The love that these two little boys have for one another already is amazing.
Lincoln adores Jackson, and tries so hard to be just like his brother.
Jackson watches out for, and protects Lincoln.
They are best friends.
God has a plan, and I'm learning more and more each day to trust it. We aren't sure why He tested us in starting our family, but He also blessed us with more than we could have ever imagined.
And I love that they will always share this special twin bond, and will always have each other.
The boys love being outdoors. Have I mentioned that lately? Besides coloring on the ground, they love bubbles. They still struggle a bit with blowing into the little tiny hole and producing a bubble. See the concentration on Jackson's face? Nothing else in the world exists when it comes time to blowing bubbles.
The picture on the right is priceless. It looks like he got the bubble started, then stopped to look at it. He actually blew the bubble, then it came back to him and he CAUGHT the bubble with his wand! He was so excited!
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Boys love their Pawpaw!
My parents came down for my birthday weekend. We let the boys stay up late so they could see Mawmaw and Pawpaw. They were watching their Cars movie, and I was trying to welcome my parents and visit a little bit. However, Lincoln kept saying "Mommy, come snuggle!" I would go and snuggle with him for a little bit, then return to the kitchen, only to hear his little voice again. After about 3 times, I asked him if he wanted Pawpaw to come snuggle with him. He giggled, and said yes! Isn't this the sweetest thing you've ever seen?
Look at the smile on Lincoln's face!
Mommy's birthday....
Birthday's have new meanings now. It's not about turning another year older, or being the center of attention, but about celebrating and making it a special occasion for everyone involved.
I turned 38 in July, but believe me, it was all about my boys.
Two cows, two pigs, two horses, two tractors (that they had to DRIVE onto the cake) and Farmer Lincoln, right there in the middle of the cake. They were so excited and proud of the cake they made mommy! And I was so happy to see those little smiles, and that gleem in their eyes, I didn't care WHAT was on my birthday cake.
So, if anyone needs a farm themed birthday cake in the know who to call!
I turned 38 in July, but believe me, it was all about my boys.
Throught the entire month (and still even), they talked about Mommy's birthday. They were so excited about it, as birthdays mean one thing - birthday cake! So we talked about Mommy's birthday, we practiced singing Happy Birthday, and we prepared for the big day.
On Friday, the boys helped Brian make my birthday cake.
They stirred the dry mix, and helped with pouring in the other ingredients. They wanted to put animals in the cake, but we managed to avert that disaster.
Mommy took over and baked the cake and frosted it, but the boys enjoyed tasting the icing.
The boys isnsted that Mommy's cake had to have animals on it. They had animals on their birthday cake, so they think all birthday cakes should have animals. So, we dug through their farm toys, washed them off, and the boys decorated my birthday cake.
Two cows, two pigs, two horses, two tractors (that they had to DRIVE onto the cake) and Farmer Lincoln, right there in the middle of the cake. They were so excited and proud of the cake they made mommy! And I was so happy to see those little smiles, and that gleem in their eyes, I didn't care WHAT was on my birthday cake.
So, if anyone needs a farm themed birthday cake in the know who to call!
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Stuck in the pillow
This morning when I went into the boys room to get their clothes, and wake them up, I could hear Lincoln giggling. He was awake, just laying in his bed, happy as can be. I said "Lincoln, are you awake? Ready for breakfast?" and he just giggled more. I went to the side of his crib, and peared down at him. He was nestled under his pillow (like usual), just laughing. I asked him if he was going to stand up so I could get him out of his bed and he said "No. I stuck in the pillow Mommy. I stuck in the pillow!"
I removed the pillow, and told him I had rescued him, and he just laughed.
Then, I heard Jackson giggling...and saying HE was stuck in the pillow. He had stuffed his feet into his pillow case.
Where do these boys learn this stuff?
I removed the pillow, and told him I had rescued him, and he just laughed.
Then, I heard Jackson giggling...and saying HE was stuck in the pillow. He had stuffed his feet into his pillow case.
Where do these boys learn this stuff?
Monday, August 6, 2012
Great weekend
This past weekend was absolutely fabulous!
My parents came down early on Friday to watch the boys so that Brian and I could have a night out. We had tickets to see Sugarland at Riverbend, and it was the perfect night for it.
The boys got to spend quality time with Mawmaw and Pawpaw, and they loved it. They helped Pawpaw shuck corn, watched Mickey Mouse and the Cars movie, ate M&M's, and stayed up past their bedtime. Spoiling - check!
Saturday, we took Jackson to see an ENT, so Lincoln got even more time with Mawmaw and Pawpaw. He helped Pawpaw snip green beans. We canned green beans most of the afternoon, and also got 8 bags of corn put in the freezer for winter. We topped the day off with grilled fish for dinner, and warm dump cake topped with ice cream.
I think everyone was asleep by 9:30. We were tired.
Sunday, the boys were up shortly after 7:00, so we made some Cinnamon muffins for breakfast. Mom did another canner of green beans, and then we got cleaned up and headed to a restaurant in Lebanon for a very late breakfast. Mom and dad headed home from the restaurant, and we headed home to give the boys a nap around 2:00.
The boys spent about an hour and a half in their beds talking, singing, yelling back and forth at each other. Then, they decided to just get out of their beds and come downstairs. Lincoln was so proud when he got downstairs, telling me how he got out of his bed all by himself. Lord, have mercy on us. It may be time to convert to Toddler beds.
Thankfully, the boys were very tired after dinner, and they went to bed about 1/2 hour earlier than usual. They still had a rough time getting up this morning.
Brian and I relaxed and watched a movie in the evening - something we don't get to do very often.
All in all, a good mix of a weekend. Productive, yet lots of fun spending time with family. But next time, Mawmaw says we are going to have the whole weekend be fun, and no work!
Hope everyone has a great week!
My parents came down early on Friday to watch the boys so that Brian and I could have a night out. We had tickets to see Sugarland at Riverbend, and it was the perfect night for it.
The boys got to spend quality time with Mawmaw and Pawpaw, and they loved it. They helped Pawpaw shuck corn, watched Mickey Mouse and the Cars movie, ate M&M's, and stayed up past their bedtime. Spoiling - check!
Saturday, we took Jackson to see an ENT, so Lincoln got even more time with Mawmaw and Pawpaw. He helped Pawpaw snip green beans. We canned green beans most of the afternoon, and also got 8 bags of corn put in the freezer for winter. We topped the day off with grilled fish for dinner, and warm dump cake topped with ice cream.
I think everyone was asleep by 9:30. We were tired.
Sunday, the boys were up shortly after 7:00, so we made some Cinnamon muffins for breakfast. Mom did another canner of green beans, and then we got cleaned up and headed to a restaurant in Lebanon for a very late breakfast. Mom and dad headed home from the restaurant, and we headed home to give the boys a nap around 2:00.
The boys spent about an hour and a half in their beds talking, singing, yelling back and forth at each other. Then, they decided to just get out of their beds and come downstairs. Lincoln was so proud when he got downstairs, telling me how he got out of his bed all by himself. Lord, have mercy on us. It may be time to convert to Toddler beds.
Thankfully, the boys were very tired after dinner, and they went to bed about 1/2 hour earlier than usual. They still had a rough time getting up this morning.
Brian and I relaxed and watched a movie in the evening - something we don't get to do very often.
All in all, a good mix of a weekend. Productive, yet lots of fun spending time with family. But next time, Mawmaw says we are going to have the whole weekend be fun, and no work!
Hope everyone has a great week!
ENT update
Saturday morning, we took Jackson to seen an ENT. The doctor agreed with us that he's suffered long enough. We are going to have tubes put in his ears on 8/23. Please say some prayers that this goes very smoothly, and our little man gets to feeling better soon!
Friday, August 3, 2012
Color the ground
This summer, the boys discovered sidewalk chalk. But they don't call it sidewalk chalk. They ask if they can color the ground! Mom and dad were a little slow to catch onto this....but we got it figured out now!
Most of the time, our patio is filled with drawings - shapes, trees, flowers, lady bugs. It really doesn't matter what you draw for them, they love it.
Mawmaw and Pawpaw were down a few weeks ago, and Mawmaw scored some HUGE points with the boys by "coloring the ground". She drew a bunny, a picture of Lincoln and Jackson, a butterfly....I don't remember what all. After my parents left, the boys would go out on the patio, and point out all the drawings Mawmaw had done. And it was always "Mawmaw made that." (They learned this little phrase from Lylah)
It rained just a few days later, and I can't even describe the look on their faces when they realized all of Mawmaw's pictures were gone. They were totally disappointed.
Since then, Brian has done a good job of trying to replace the drawings, but we honestly don't draw as well as Mawmaw. Thankfully, she is coming tonight to babysit the boys, so I'm sure by the end of the weekend the patio will be filled with beautiful art again!
Most of the time, our patio is filled with drawings - shapes, trees, flowers, lady bugs. It really doesn't matter what you draw for them, they love it.
Mawmaw and Pawpaw were down a few weeks ago, and Mawmaw scored some HUGE points with the boys by "coloring the ground". She drew a bunny, a picture of Lincoln and Jackson, a butterfly....I don't remember what all. After my parents left, the boys would go out on the patio, and point out all the drawings Mawmaw had done. And it was always "Mawmaw made that." (They learned this little phrase from Lylah)
It rained just a few days later, and I can't even describe the look on their faces when they realized all of Mawmaw's pictures were gone. They were totally disappointed.
Since then, Brian has done a good job of trying to replace the drawings, but we honestly don't draw as well as Mawmaw. Thankfully, she is coming tonight to babysit the boys, so I'm sure by the end of the weekend the patio will be filled with beautiful art again!
Mowing the lawn
With the sun shining so much this summer, and the lack of rain, the boys have gotten to play outside at daycare almost every day. Sometimes it isn't for very long as it is too hot, but I'm sure the teachers would tell you that 2 1/2 year olds need SOME time outside every day - just to burn off some energy.
Our boys love to play outside. But what they like to do while outside has definite evolved over the summer.
All we used to hear is "Up the stairs. Down the slide". But now, they have a new outside activity - mowing the lawn. The boys have play lawnmowers at school and at home and they love them.
This week, Jackson has been talking about the lawnmowers more. In the morning, he'll say he has to eat his breakfast so he can go to Toddlers and mow the lawn. Then, he'll tell us that Lincoln, Jackson, Adam, and Hannah mow the lawn. You ask if any of the other kids do, and he says no. And believe me, I've named about every other kid in his class that I know of....but only Lincoln, Jackson, Adam, and Hannah mow the lawn!
Maybe there will be a Hart mowing company some day. Oh, the dreams.
Our boys love to play outside. But what they like to do while outside has definite evolved over the summer.
All we used to hear is "Up the stairs. Down the slide". But now, they have a new outside activity - mowing the lawn. The boys have play lawnmowers at school and at home and they love them.
This week, Jackson has been talking about the lawnmowers more. In the morning, he'll say he has to eat his breakfast so he can go to Toddlers and mow the lawn. Then, he'll tell us that Lincoln, Jackson, Adam, and Hannah mow the lawn. You ask if any of the other kids do, and he says no. And believe me, I've named about every other kid in his class that I know of....but only Lincoln, Jackson, Adam, and Hannah mow the lawn!
Maybe there will be a Hart mowing company some day. Oh, the dreams.
Over the past 3 months, Jackson has suffered almost continuously with ear infections. First it was both ears, then they got better after 3 rounds of antibiotics. We had about 4 weeks of reprieve, and then I noticed some bloody discharge coming out of his right ear. So, we did another antibiotic and drops, and his right ear was better 2 weeks later, but his left one was then infected.
Last Friday, we went to have his left ear checked again, and it wasn't any better. So, tomorrow, we are heading to see an ENT at Children's hospital.
Please say some prayers for all of us!
Last Friday, we went to have his left ear checked again, and it wasn't any better. So, tomorrow, we are heading to see an ENT at Children's hospital.
Please say some prayers for all of us!
Continue to amaze me...
I feel the need to make it very clear how much my boys continue to amaze me. It can be something that they remember, or crazy things they do. My love for them grows each day as they develop and truly become "little men".
Brian had a concert a few weeks ago, so I was "single"mom for about 24 hours. It really couldn't have went any better. Well, other than the torrential downpour I got stuck in leaving work trying to get to daycare to pick the boys up. The boys couldn't have been any better.
When we got home from daycare, they wanted to help me make dinner, but then changed their minds, and they wanted to watch Mickey Mouse. So, I turned on the DVR, and let them have their Mickey (this is unusual, but a special treat with daddy being gone). I was in the kitchen chopping vegetables, browning meat, boiling water...and then I stopped dead in my tracks when I peeked in the room to check on the boys. There they were, sitting on the couch right next to each other, fixated on Mickey Mouse. It was so sweet to see them loving their cartoon, and listening to them interact with the show (What color is my bow now?). I just wanted to soak it in. They used to just watch the shows, but now they answer the questions and point things out. The show was coming to an end (just as dinner was ready - perfect!), and I heard the hotdog dance. I called to the boys and said "I don't see anyone dancing!" and they both jumped off the couch, and danced to the rest of the song. Cute to see how each of the boys have their own style!
We did have one hiccup in the night...Jackson took a toy from Lincoln, so he went into time-out. However, after his punishment, I asked him to apologize to Lincoln. He went right to his brother, told him he was sorry, and gave him a big hug and a kiss. My heart melted.
I don't remember much about getting the boys around for daycare in the morning, so they must have been good. What does stick out in my mind was getting the boys into the van and driving to daycare.
Lincoln started things off with asking where Daddy was. I reminded him that he went to see Jackson's godfather - Jay. He blew me away when he said "And Miss Tracy too?" (Tracy is Jay's wife, but we don't see them very often, so I was shocked he remembered her and associated her with Jay.)
Next, it was Jackson's turn to step into the spotlight. While I was buckling Lincoln into his car seat, Jackson found my sunglasses. He put them on, then pushed them up onto the top of his head - guess he's seen me do that a few times! The next few minutes were spent scrambling to find both the boys sunglasses, and assuring them they were "Cool Dudes" with their sunglasses on their heads.
Pulling out of the driveway, the boys serenaded me - with Twinkle, Twinkle little star.
The morning was completed with a conversation where I asked the boys what they thought they would do at daycare. Lincoln's only response - CAKE! That boy has a one track mind...just like his daddy.
Brian had a concert a few weeks ago, so I was "single"mom for about 24 hours. It really couldn't have went any better. Well, other than the torrential downpour I got stuck in leaving work trying to get to daycare to pick the boys up. The boys couldn't have been any better.
When we got home from daycare, they wanted to help me make dinner, but then changed their minds, and they wanted to watch Mickey Mouse. So, I turned on the DVR, and let them have their Mickey (this is unusual, but a special treat with daddy being gone). I was in the kitchen chopping vegetables, browning meat, boiling water...and then I stopped dead in my tracks when I peeked in the room to check on the boys. There they were, sitting on the couch right next to each other, fixated on Mickey Mouse. It was so sweet to see them loving their cartoon, and listening to them interact with the show (What color is my bow now?). I just wanted to soak it in. They used to just watch the shows, but now they answer the questions and point things out. The show was coming to an end (just as dinner was ready - perfect!), and I heard the hotdog dance. I called to the boys and said "I don't see anyone dancing!" and they both jumped off the couch, and danced to the rest of the song. Cute to see how each of the boys have their own style!
We did have one hiccup in the night...Jackson took a toy from Lincoln, so he went into time-out. However, after his punishment, I asked him to apologize to Lincoln. He went right to his brother, told him he was sorry, and gave him a big hug and a kiss. My heart melted.
I don't remember much about getting the boys around for daycare in the morning, so they must have been good. What does stick out in my mind was getting the boys into the van and driving to daycare.
Lincoln started things off with asking where Daddy was. I reminded him that he went to see Jackson's godfather - Jay. He blew me away when he said "And Miss Tracy too?" (Tracy is Jay's wife, but we don't see them very often, so I was shocked he remembered her and associated her with Jay.)
Next, it was Jackson's turn to step into the spotlight. While I was buckling Lincoln into his car seat, Jackson found my sunglasses. He put them on, then pushed them up onto the top of his head - guess he's seen me do that a few times! The next few minutes were spent scrambling to find both the boys sunglasses, and assuring them they were "Cool Dudes" with their sunglasses on their heads.
Pulling out of the driveway, the boys serenaded me - with Twinkle, Twinkle little star.
The morning was completed with a conversation where I asked the boys what they thought they would do at daycare. Lincoln's only response - CAKE! That boy has a one track mind...just like his daddy.
August celebrations
- Dennis Taylor turns 48 on August 14
- Brady Young turns 10 on August 19
- Ryan Muehlfeld turns 32 on August 23
- Brother Boy and Drama celebrate spending 4 years with their daddy's on August 24
- Mackenzie Sheneyfelt turns 2 on August 27
- Kendyl Zank turns 17 on August 29
- Dick Willinger celebrates a birthday on August 31
- Sean and Jen Boggess celebrate their 15th wedding anniversary on August 9
- Ralph and Janet Gels celebrate their 46th wedding anniversary on August 10
- Ken and Joyce Gels celebrate their 54th wedding anniversary on August 16
- Ryan and Tasha Muehlfeld celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary on August 24
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